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dc.contributor.advisorLiu, Mei-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Lun‐Yuen_US
dc.creatorWang, Lun‐Yuen_US
dc.description.abstractThe labor predicament of Taiwan police officers is well recognized by the general public, yet the exact circumstances and the root causes remain unintelligible. Because of the special legislation, organizational culture and historical context, a variety of administrative tasks still depend on the police. Additionally, police manpower are oftentimes spent to deal with minor issues, such that the workload of police officers is constantly increasing. As such, the labor rights protection of police officers is seriously inadequate, leading to overwork, occupational injury, emotional exhaustion, occupational burnout, and so forth.\n\nThe purpose of this study was to reveal the reality beneath the image of police masculinity and to explore their labor predicament, through document analysis, participant observation, and in-depth interviews with 26 police officers and chiefs. It also provides comparative research on the regulations and practice of police labor rights as launched by other countries, and initiated by International Labor Organization.\n\nThe results of this study indicate that police officers in Taiwan are commonly overwork. According to the report of 21 front-line police officers, the average amount of sleep during workday is 6.3 hours, the average weekly work hours is 55.5 hours, only one interviewee is lower than the standard working hours (48 hours a week). The police duties are characterized by high labor control, anachronistic, illegitimate, unnecessary, even violating human rights and unduly extending the police power. Officers can hardly feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment from their duties. Many of interviewees are wounded in harsh working environments, even got post-traumatic stress disorder. They don’t have ways to express their opinion or seek remedy. Because the police duties are stripped of labor characteristics, the alienation of police is deep but difficult to discover.\n\nThis study proposes that the police duties must be scientifically planned and humanized, with adequate personnel, proper duty regulations, review of necessary duties, reform of service scope, appropriate performance measurement, and specialized patrol operations. Labor inspectorates should be involved in police administration, and social dialogue should be strengthened in the Police. Following the above approach, we are able to achieve the decent work for police officers in Taiwan through improving the labor rights of the Police as well as normalizing the police administration.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4\n第三節 研究範圍與研究設計 5\n第二章 文獻探討 15\n第一節 尊嚴勞動之意涵與相關研究 15\n第二節 警察勤務核心內容 28\n第三節 警察勞動關係 46\n第三章 臺灣警察的理想與現實 61\n第一節 任務、業務與勤務的脫節 61\n第二節 協辦變主辦,協助變常駐 121\n第三節 當彈性變成隨興──警察工時與輪班的現實 129\n第四節 不斷踏出第一步的工時改革 149\n第五節 漫漫長夜將迎黎明?──司法院釋字第785號解釋 157\n第四章 臺灣警察的勞動困境 163\n第一節 警察系統的失控與失能 163\n第二節 警察勞動權益保障的難題 199\n第三節 警察的勞動異化 210\n第五章 警察尊嚴勞動的實現 231\n第一節 勤務制度與尊嚴勞動之差距 231\n第二節 基層外勤員警的合宜勞動規範 280\n第三節 各國警察勤務制度的比較 284\n第六章 結論與建議 297\n第一節 結論 297\n第二節 政策建議 302\n第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 311\n參考文獻 315\n附錄 329\n附錄一:「警察勤務與勞動研究」訪談大綱 329zh_TW
dc.format.extent3626719 bytes-
dc.subjectPolice dutyen_US
dc.subjectLabor rightsen_US
dc.subjectPolice officeren_US
dc.subjectDecent worken_US
dc.titleThe Exploitation behind the Uniform: Labor Predicament and Labor Rights Protection of Police Officersen_US
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