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dc.contributor.authorChiang, Hsin-Ien_US
dc.creatorChiang, Hsin-Ien_US
dc.description.abstractFacing with the global digital transformation and various innovative applications of the Internet, the consumers’ access to information has been changed; it certainly affected the media exposure habits and the core of advertising operations. Traditional media is inevitably weakened; the representative of new media - digital media, quickly becoming the main force of communication. In this context, Taiwan’s traditional advertising industry is at a transition node between the old and the new. Especially under the trend of disintermediation of the role of agents, it can be found that the traditional advertising industry is facing new challenges and opportunities, and the transformation has become a must for industrial development. This kind of transformation requires not only strengthen of digital professional capabilities, but also business transformation thinking and rapid response to market variation. Therefore, it is worth to think about how to adjust the organizational structure to meet market demand.\nThis study will be based on the Fiedler contingency model perspective to analyze the root cause of contingency factor by each case. Moreover, it will explore the feeling of members who encounter different management method and environment change under organization transformation, to reach full strategic purpose for case transformation.\nAccording to the case, the four contingency factors of the traditional advertising agency are summarized: the relationship of members, the authority strong or weak, the organization structure, and the organization and individual target. Base on this analysis to sort out the following case organizational transformation strategies:\nFirst, back to the fundamental of marketing, put customer at first priority; Processing the revolution and Moving forward in parallel. Secondly, improve the core capabilities. The creativity, data and technology complement each others. Thirdly, create the unique idol culture within organization and replace management with influence. Finally, overcome the barriers and simplify the organization financial operation.\nThis study wishes to serve a reference for other companies which encounter similar challenges, the organization transformation successfully and keep the core capabilities of organization to achieve the goal of long- term management.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄\n第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 1\n第二節 研究目的 10\n第貳章 文獻探討 11\n第一節 傳統廣告與數位廣告之比較 11\n第二節 個案轉型背景介紹 16\n第三節 組織的核心能力與轉型意涵觀點 19\n第四節 以變應變的組織管理 28\n第五節 文獻總結探討 40\n第參章 研究方法 42\n第一節 研究問題 42\n第二節 研究方法 43\n第三節 研究架構與流程 44\n第四節 個案資料分析 46\n第五節 深度訪談設定 52\n第肆章 個案研究 56\n第一節 組織架構的演變 56\n第二節 組織轉型的策略意涵 64\n第三節 環境變項之分析描述 68\n第伍章 結論與建議 78\n第一節 研究發現 78\n第二節 研究限制 85\n第三節 研究結論 85\n參考文獻 87zh_TW
dc.format.extent1941747 bytes-
dc.subjectFiedler contingency modelen_US
dc.subjectOrganization transformationen_US
dc.subjectCore competenciesen_US
dc.subjectContingency Theoryen_US
dc.titleA study for the organizational transformation strategy of traditional advertising agencies under the impact of the digital era. Ogilvy Advertising as an example.en_US
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