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題名: 創新採購制度之實踐研究 -歐洲國家與我國法制之比較
Feasibility Assessment of Implementing Public Procurement of Innovation and A Comparative Study on the Government Procurement in Taiwan, the EU and the UK.
作者: 溫佳湄
Wen, Chia-Mei Charmaine
貢獻者: 顏玉明
Wen, Chia-Mei Charmaine
關鍵詞: 創新採購
Public Procurement of Innovation
Government Procurement
Tendering Procedure
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2021
摘要: 歐洲國家如歐盟與英國將政府採購作為推行創新政策之工具,創造有利於創新之法規環境,由上而下制定前瞻性創新採購策略,透過推行創新採購制度來解決公部門面臨的挑戰並實現公共服務現代化,更是可以透過政府採購從需求面促進整體產業創新轉型,並在國際間取得市場領導者地位。\n本研究聚焦歐洲國家如何推動創新採購及各項推動措施,落實創新領域的政府採購事項回歸需求面的政策措施,包含修訂政府採購指令並建立創新採購環境、排除不友善的招標或投標程序、提供機關與廠商創新採購指導原則與協助、擴散創新採購經驗與知識、使創新採購成為政府採購的要素之一,做為我國擴散推行創新採購之參考,或透過探討歐盟創新採購作業程序,以評估引進歐盟創新採購制度作以改善我國招標過程缺乏協商運用之借鏡,以提升政府採購法因案制宜之整體經濟效益。
The European public sector is facing significant challenges, including the need to modernise internal operations while delivering high quality public services, and applying innovation procurement to capitalise on innovative solutions to modernize public services. By developing a forward-looking innovation procurement strategy, public procurers can drive innovation from the demand side. This enables the European public sectors to modernize public services faster while creating opportunities for companies in Europe to obtain a first customer reference and gain international leadership in new markets.\nThis paper examines the innovation procurements in the European Countries by using public procurements as a tool to implement public policies. It is required that public procurements adhere to the fundamentals of the demand side for innovations, and zooming in the process of policy formation, objectives, measures and methods, including the guidelines for innovation procurements prescribed in the directives of public procurements. In the process of time, innovation procurements have become an important culture of public procurements. It is hoped that the research findings may serve as a template for innovation procurements in Taiwan, and solve the problem of lacking of communication and flexibility in the existing tendering process and to improve the performance of Government Procurement Act.
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資料類型: thesis
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