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dc.contributor.advisorChiang, Ying-Hui<br>Ding, Hsiu-Yinen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Yuan-Yien_US
dc.creatorYang, Yuan-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract近年來越來越多研究討論容積移轉機制的「空間外部性」,相關研究多分別聚焦於經濟影響面、環境影響面及社會交互作用面。在環境影響面相關研究中,Aken et al.(2008)認為,地方公共設施的服務品質是考量容積移入接受地區的重要因素之一。許多國內相關研究亦提出,容積移入會使地區公共設施服務水準降低,並造成擁擠外部性與生活品質惡化。然而,經濟影響面的相關研究中,Shih et al.(2019)則證實,容積移轉接受基地對周邊不動產交易價格具有正向外溢效應,且移入總量對房價的影響效果在統計上不具解釋力,該研究結果和環境影響面的結果有所出入。\n本研究試圖同時討論容積移轉機制的經濟、環境二面向外部性。以容積移轉空間型態不同的新北市中和區、三重區作為研究範圍,使用「每人享有公共設施面積」指標衡量地區公共設施服務品質。針對公共設施服務水準不符合都市計畫通盤檢討標準之地區,再分為服務水準變動趨勢改善與惡化情況進行後續討論。而後使用2013年至2019年不動產實價登錄交易資料,透過特徵價格效用理論,衡量交易點周邊容積移轉總量對交易價格的關係,探討在不同公共設施服務水準地區,交易點周圍容積移入總量對價格會造成什麼樣不同的影響。實證結果顯示,交易點周圍容積移轉總量具外溢效應,但隨地方公共設施服務條件而有不同的折價效果,且在不同都市發展脈絡地區,不同容積移轉空間分布型態對房價影響具結構性差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, there are more and more researches discussing the &quot;spatial externality&quot; of Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs). Most of the related researches analyzed this issue from the economic impact, environmental impact, and social interaction aspects (Akerlof, 1997). In the studies related to the environmental impact of TDRs, Aken et al. (2008) found that the quality of local public facility service was one of the crucial factors considering how much TDRs could be sent to a receiving area. Additionally, many domestic studies have suggested that the amount of receiving TDRs would lower the quality of public facilities service in a region and cause the crowding externality and deteriorate the quality of life. On the other hand, in the studies related to the economic impact of TDRs, a positive spillover effect on sale prices if the transaction was within 150 meters of a TDRs-using development project was confirmed by Shih et al. (2019). Besides, the influence of the total amount of TDRs was not statistically significant. The results of Shih et al. (2019) differ from other discussions in the environmental impact of TDRs studies.\nThis article discusses both the economic and environmental impacts of receiving TDRs. The analysis presented in this article is based on a case study of the Zhonghe District and Sanchong District in New Taipei City because of their different spatial patterns of TDRs. The metric of &quot;public facility area per capita&quot; is used to measure public facility service quality in different regions. For those some regions whose level of public facility service does not meet the standards of general plans, I divide the trend of service quality into improvement and deterioration for further discussion. After that, I used the Hedonic Model to measure the relationship between the total amount of TDR around transaction sales and housing prices from 2013 to 2019. Then, I explore how the price will be influenced by the total amount of TDRs around transaction points in regions with different facilities service quality. The empirical results show that the total amount of TDRs around transaction points have spillover effects but with different discount, effects depending on the public service conditions. Moreover, both spillover effects and discount effects will have structural differences in housing prices under diverse urban development contexts and TDRs` spatial patterns.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究範圍與方法 4\n第三節 研究架構與流程 7\n第二章 制度背景與文獻回顧 9\n第一節 容積移轉制度 9\n第二節 容積移轉經濟外部性 13\n第三節 容積移轉環境外部性 19\n第四節 小結 25\n第三章 研究設計與資料說明 27\n第一節 研究設計 27\n第二節 資料說明與處理 29\n第三節 實證模型建立 40\n第四節 變數選取 44\n第四章 實證結果與分析 49\n第一節 實證樣本敘述統計 49\n第二節 容積移轉於不同公共設施服務水準地區對房價之影響 53\n第三節 不同容積移轉空間分布型態對房價影響差異 57\n第五章 結論與建議 65\n第一節 結論 65\n第二節 建議 69\n參考文獻 71zh_TW
dc.format.extent4681757 bytes-
dc.subjectTransfer of Development Rightsen_US
dc.subjectPublic Facility Serviceen_US
dc.subjectHousing Priceen_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Transfer of Development Rights on Housing Price among Different Public Facility Service Regionsen_US
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