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dc.contributor.authorLi, Xue-Changen_US
dc.creatorLi, Xue-Changen_US
dc.description.abstract本文將分析沙烏地阿拉伯王國(以下簡稱沙國)與以色列外交關係變化之影響因素。自1948年以色列建國後,沙國與以色列隨著中東局勢的變化,相應地發展出不同的外交互動模式。因此,本文將從1948年至2017年為止,在大約七十年的時間脈絡中,分析沙以外交關係變化的影響因素。此外,本文將以利益平衡論(balance of interest)做為分析的理論基礎,再輔以內部因素、區域因素與外部勢力三大面向作為分析的切入點。\n本文首先根據沙以外交關係的發展脈絡,將其分為三個時期,分別為1948-1979年、1979-2001年與2001-2017年。再者,將利用內部因素聚焦於沙以政權穩定與意識形態之分歧,以區域因素分析沙以對區域強權變化所採取的外交政策,最後,則探討國際勢力如何對沙以外交關係產生影響。透過三大面向的分析後,本文將再使用利益平衡論對沙以外交關係的變化因素提出解釋,探討沙國與以色列究竟是採取制衡、扈從,亦或是其他類型的外交戰略來處理雙方外交關係之改變。\n最後,本文發現1948-1979年沙以外交關係大多受區域因素所主導,因為此時國家安全的責任主要由沙國與以色列各自承擔。然而,在1979-2001年以及2001-2017年,沙以外交關係則受外部勢力之影響較深,原因在於有很大部份的安全責任轉移至美國,此外,沙以外交關係中的合作遠大於對抗,意識形態的障礙雖存在,但對沙以外交關係的影響較小。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe thesis analyzes the factors of the diplomatic relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Since 1948, the establishment of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Israel have developed different kinds of interactive molds following the changes of the circumstances in Middle East. Thus, the thesis will explain the diplomatic relationship’s factors from 1948 to 2017, within about 70 years. Also, I will apply the theory of balance of interest for the base of explanation and use the three dimensions which are internal factor, regional factor and external factor to be the point of access.\nFirst of all, the thesis is according to the development of diplomatic relationship and categorizes it to three periods which are 1948-1979, 1979-2001 and 2001-2017. Moreover, I will use internal factor to focus on the stability of regime and the conflict of ideology and utilize regional factor to analyze Saudi and Israel’s reaction toward the power change of regional countries. Finally, I will research how the external factor influences Saudi and Israel’s diplomatic relationship. Through the analysis of the dimensions, the thesis will use the theory of balance of interest to submit explanations of the change in the diplomatic relationship. I will make it clearer that whether Saudi Arabia and Israel adapt balance or bandwagon or the other strategies to cope with the changes of their diplomatic relationship.\nFinally, the research finds that Saudi and Israel’s diplomatic relationship is influenced by the regional factor in 1948-1979 because the responsibility of national security is responsible to themselves. However, in 1979-2001 and 2001-2017, the diplomatic relationship is influenced a lot by the external factor. The reason is that the responsibility of national security has transferred to the United State in large part. Also, the cooperation is stronger than confrontation in their diplomatic relationship. The obstacle of the conflict of the ideology still exist but it doesn’t impact a lot on their diplomatic relationship.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目次\n第壹章:緒論 1\n第一節 前言 1\n第二節 研究問題與目的 2\n第三節 文獻回顧 4\n第四節 研究方法 17\n第五節 分析框架 17\n第六節 章節安排 21\n第七節 研究限制 22\n第貳章:1948-1979 沙以外交關係之影響因素 23\n第一節1948-1967沙國與以色列外交關係 24\n一、內部因素 24\n二、區域因素 29\n三、外部勢力 33\n四、結論 37\n第二節 1967-1979沙國與以色列外交關係 38\n一、內部因素 38\n二、區域因素 42\n三、外部勢力 44\n第三節 結論 46\n第參章:1979-2001 沙以外交關係之影響因素 49\n第一節 1979-1991 沙國與以色列外交關係 50\n一、內部因素 50\n二、區域因素 54\n三、外部勢力 58\n四、結論 62\n第二節 1991-2001 沙國與以色列外交關係 63\n一、內部因素 63\n二、區域因素 66\n三、外部勢力 67\n第三節 結論 70\n第肆章:2001-2017沙以外交關係之影響因素 72\n第一節 2001-2009 沙國與以色列外交關係 73\n一、內部因素 73\n二、區域因素 76\n三、外部勢力 79\n四、結論 82\n第二節 2009-2017沙國與以色列外交關係 83\n一、內部因素 83\n二、區域因素 85\n三、外部勢力 87\n第三節 結論 90\n第伍章:結論 93\n研究建議 96\n參考文獻 97zh_TW
dc.format.extent3791083 bytes-
dc.subjectSaudi Arabiaen_US
dc.subjectDiplomatic relationshipen_US
dc.subjectBalance of interesten_US
dc.titleThe study of the factors of the diplomatic relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israelen_US
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