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dc.contributor.advisorPaul R. Katz<br>Lin, Ching-Chihen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Kai-Xuanen_US
dc.creatorChen, Kai-Xuanen_US
dc.description.abstractFrom 1980 to 2000, performance troupes known as electric flower cars were highly prevalent in Taiwan, appearing in events such as marriages, funerals, deity processions, etc. However, due to the fact that such performances often contradicted moral norms and sexual taboos, they were severely prosecuted by the authorities. In addition, beginning in 2000 social tastes began to shift, all of which contributed to the gradual fading of electric flower cars from the scene. Beginning around 2010, activities for offering thanks to the gods featured the appearance of modified processions similar to electric flower cars in terms of configuration and operations. On the one hand, these new performance troupes inherited numerous characteristics of electric flower cars (women wearing revealing clothes, large-scale broadcast equipment, movable performance stages, etc.). At the same time, however, many new elements were added, including digital technology (such as the use of quantitative internet outsources for media matches), popular music (electronic dance music or popular songs), and elements of foreign culture (primarily Korean-pop dance). All this resulted in the formation of a new kind of performance troupe interwoven with tradition, modernity, popularity, and technology. In order to distinguish such performance troupes from traditional electric flower cars, and based on the fact that these troupes lack a single concrete name in today’s Taiwanese society, this MA thesis has chosen to refer to them as “arts troupe processions.” Based on detailed observations of arts troupe processions today, this study thesis attempts to illustrate the following issues: First, it describes the similarities and differences between electric flower cars and arts troupe processions, while also showing how the latter evolved out of the former during the key period from 2000 to 2010, which witnessed the growth of pole dancing and female bands that exerted influence on new genres, particularly in terms of gender, performance techniques, economic structures, and a sense of self-identity. Second, this study deconstructs the history of electric flower cars, most notably women’s performances and body displays in religious spaces, particularly those occurring in the context of “yin-deity systems”. Third, by exploring the phenomena of electric flower cars and arts troupe processions, this study sheds new light on changing tastes in modern Taiwan, while also showing their links to carnival qualities. Finally, by drawing on informant interviews done during case studies of specific troupes, this study traces diverse relationships in religious contexts involving gender, money, power, etc., while also clarifying the roles of female performances in Taiwan today. This study explores these issues in four chapters. The first chapter, the Introduction, explains the history and current forms of arts troupe processions, while also reviewing previous research so that the contributions and insufficiencies of various scholarly studies can be compared and assessed. Chapter 2 compares the similarities and differences between electric flower cars and arts troupe processions, especially in terms of personnel allocation, equipment classification, and networks of operations. This chapter also deals with the ways in which electric flower cars transformed, in order to set the stage for data in subsequent chapters. Chapter 3 presents the results of fieldwork and surveys, especially interviews with individuals who have performed in electric flower cars and arts troupe processions during different time periods, with the data presented carefully reporting their intentions, perceptions, and values. This chapter also presents narrative accounts of informants, while probing doubts that arose in the course of doing fieldwork and examining research hypotheses. The final chapter, the Conclusion, summarizes this study’s main results and contributions to the field, while also reflecting on issues that might be addressed in future research projects.en_US
dc.format.extent5107853 bytes-
dc.subjectActivities for Offering Thanks to the Godsen_US
dc.subjectElectric Flower Carsen_US
dc.subjectArts Troupe Processionsen_US
dc.subjectYin-Deity Systemsen_US
dc.subjectPole Dancingen_US
dc.titleShort-sleeved Skilled Dancers: From Electric Flower Cars to Arts Troupe Processionsen_US
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