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dc.contributor.advisorHuang, Tong-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorKao, Kuo-Mingen_US
dc.creatorKao, Kuo-Mingen_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to the development of the international situation, it’s important to cultivate talents for further warfare. The Ministry of National Defense has promoted military education system to foster human resource by short-term, mid-term and long-term programs. They offers multi-aspect education to generate high-quality manpower. In military command and staff course, it has been cooperating with Master for Eminent Public Administrators to create a specific class for training leadership and decision-making since 2018. This study aimed at the second session of this class to conclude the difficulties of the learning process and the development of military-civilian interaction through participant observation and in-depth interview methods. Those gaps shared by the interviewees help us to introspect more about the innovations and, to give a reference for the national defense education system.\nIt takes much longer to educate a person than growing a tree, so human resource development is way difficult. The military-civilian interaction between these two universities only facilitate their understanding from their own perspective at this moment. To take a longer view, the interweaving of military leadership experience and civilian creative thinking can induct more public departments into defense affairs to enhance the quality of personnel management and policy implementation. Under this circumstance, we can take advantage of the findings regarding the motivations, strategies and learning effectiveness of this class to reflect on the follow-up cooperative policy between National Defense University and National Cheng-Chi University .en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目次\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 2\n第二節 研究目的與問題 6\n第二章 文獻回顧 9\n第一節 跨部門治理 9\n第二節 軍文交流 11\n第三節 學習歷程、動機與反思 13\n第三章 研究方法與流程 17\n第一節 研究設計與步驟 17\n第二節 研究對象與倫理 18\n第三節 研究方法與工具 22\n第四節 資料處理與分析 25\n第四章 深陷其中的霧裡看花 29\n第一節 研究情報的判斷觀察 29\n第二節 瞎子摸象的藍圖勾勒 38\n第三節 難辨真相的初期建議 59\n第五章 春風化雨的脈絡釐清 65\n第一節 專業核心的戰略指導 65\n第二節 戰略協商的初步策略 76\n第三節 建構戰場的脈絡反思 81\n第六章 結論與建議 85\n第一節 對話文獻的結論 85\n第二節 可行方案之建議 86\n第三節 政策建構與未來發展 89\n參考文獻 93\n\n附錄一國防報告書中「交流」彙整表 99\n附錄二訪談大綱(1) 103\n附錄二訪談大綱(2) 104zh_TW
dc.format.extent2699870 bytes-
dc.subjectLearning historyen_US
dc.subjectMilitary-civilian interactionen_US
dc.subjectParticipant observationen_US
dc.subjectIn-depth interviewen_US
dc.titleOur Class--the Learning Process and Military-Civilian Interaction of the NDU/NCCU Leadership and Decision-making Programen_US
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