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題名: 外交華語常用詞表建置與詞彙特色研究 —以臺灣外交部新聞稿為例
A Study on Chinese Diplomatic Wordlist and Its Lexical Features Based on Press Releases by MOFA, Taiwan
作者: 陳毓婷
Chen, Yu-Ting
貢獻者: 彭妮絲
Peng, Ni-Se
Chen, Yu-Ting
關鍵詞: 專業華語
Chinese for Specific Purposes
Chinese for Diplomats
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-七月-2021
摘要: 全球化影響之下,國際間的經貿往來緊密、技術交流頻繁與人才移動快速,各國的互動交流皆涉及外交領域,語言能力更是外交人員必備之基礎,因此外交華語的學習需求浮現。外交華語屬專業華語,然而外交華語的研究與探討相對少見,市面上亦無針對外交華語所撰寫之教材,更無相關的專業語料庫與詞表提供教學輔助,故本研究嘗試自行蒐集語料並建置語料庫,據此提出詞表以分析外交華語的語言特徵。\n\n本研究藉由網路爬蟲(web crawler)方法蒐集語料並建置研究語料庫,語料來源為2010年1月至2020年1月之外交部新聞稿,共3,170篇新聞語料,987,814個詞數。其中,取詞頻排序前一千的高頻詞彙,再經過兩次詞彙篩選,提出627個詞的《外交華語新聞常用詞表》。本詞表與《華語八千詞》比較發現,詞彙等級主要分布於中高級程度。此外,再從「縮略語」、「書面語」和「外交專業用語」三角度綜合分析,發現外交華語具有「用詞精準且正式規範」、「正面表述」、「委婉含蓄表述」以及「注重身分禮節和禮貌用語」的語言特徵。\n\n最後,希望本研究成果與發現,可提供教材編輯者作為選詞參考依據;教學者作為教學輔助工具,並針對未來研究方向提出建議。
Globalization has led to increasing economic exchange and migration of talent between nations. This has resulted in growing demand for the establishment and maintaining of diplomatic relations with Chinese speaking nations. While Chinese for Specific Purposes(CSP) provides an overview of Chinese for Diplomats, there has been little discussion in literature dedicated to the analysis and compilation of how Chinese is used within diplomatic settings. This study aims to construct a specialized corpus to compile a wordlist and analyze language features in Chinese used in diplomatic settings to serve as a tool for both the learning and teaching of Chinese for Diplomats.\n\nA web crawler was built for the study to collect 3,170 press releases issued between January 2010 to January 2020 by Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA) , Taiwan. The collected data was used to create a specialized corpus consisting of 987,814 words. From this corpus, a 627 word list of the most commonly used words was compiled by taking the 1,000 most frequently appearing words and excluding conjunction words using a two-step filtering process. Cross-comparison of the compiled wordlist with the Chinese for Diplomats and the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language(TOCFL) wordlists found that the words included in the compiled wordlist were distributed across the intermediate and advanced levels of the referenced wordlists. In addition, through a comprehensive analysis and discussion from three main perspectives— abbreviations, written language and diplomatic terms—the study found that Chinese for Diplomats possess the following linguistic characteristics: precise and formal use of words, positive expression, euphemistic and implicit expression, and attention to identity, etiquette and politeness.\n\nBased on the findings, the researchers hope that the provision of this wordlist can serve as a reference for teaching material editors in selecting vocabulary words and as a teaching tool for Chinese teachers as well as furthering the discourse on the topic.
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