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題名: 大學教師學術樂觀指標與權重體系建構之研究:模糊德懷術與層級分析法之應用
Research on the Construction of Indicators and Weight System of University Teachers’ Academic Optimism: An Application of Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process
作者: 何麗君
Her, Lih-Jiun
貢獻者: 張奕華
Chang, I-Hua
Her, Lih-Jiun
關鍵詞: 大學教師
University teachers
Academic optimism
Indicators construction
Fuzzy Delphi Method
Analytic Hierarchy Process
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-Jul-2021
摘要: 本研究旨在建構大學教師學術樂觀指標與權重體系,首先進行文獻探討,分析與歸納出大學教師學術樂觀之初擬指標;其次,再以專家審題問卷、模糊德懷術問卷以及層級分析相對權重問卷進行調查。本研究邀請14位具有教師學術樂觀理念或具有大學實務工作經驗之學者、專家為對象,透過專家意見修正指標,接續以模糊德懷術建立三角模糊數與解模糊化之方法,整合專家小組成員對指標重要性之看法並據以篩選指標;最後再以層級分析法求得各層面及其指標之相對權重,完成大學教師學術樂觀指標與權重體系之建構。\n根據研究之結果與分析,本研究歸納主要結論如次:\n一、本研究建構之大學教師學術樂觀指標,包含四個層面與24項指標。\n二、本研究建構之大學教師學術樂觀指標之四個層面,依其權重排序分別為「學術強調」(39.2%)、「教師效能」(33.9%)、「信任學生」(18.3%)、「信任教師同儕」(8.5%)。\n三、本研究建構之大學教師學術樂觀指標計24項,在「學術強調」層面首重「教師為學習困難的學生提供額外的指導」;在「教師效能」層面以「教師具有良好的教學技巧」最為重要;在「信任學生」層面以「教師相信學生可以實現教師所設定之學業目標」最為重要;在「信任教師同儕」層面最須重視「教師彼此相互信任」。\n最後,依據研究結果提出具體建議,以做為高等教育機構、大學教師以及後續研究者之參考。
The purpose of this study is to construct the indicators and weight system of university teachers’ academic optimism. Firstly, the researcher conducted the literature review, analyzes and summarizes the preliminary indicators of university teachers’ academic optimism; then the researcher conducted surveys with the expert questionnaires, the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaires, and hierarchical analysis relative weight questionnaires. This study invited 14 scholars and experts with academically optimistic ideas of teachers or practical work experience in universities to revise indicators through expert opinions, and continue to use the Fuzzy Delphi Method to construct triangular fuzzy numbers and defuzzification methods to integrate expert panel members’ views on the importance of indicators, and to select indicators based on them. The relative weight of each level and its indicators were obtained by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to complete the construction of indicators and weight system of university teachers’ academic optimism.\nBased on the results and analysis of this study, the main conclusions were summarized as follows:\n1.The indicators of university teachers’ academic optimism constructed in this study include four levels and twenty-four indicators.\n2.The indicators and weight system of university teachers’ academic optimism include four levels. From the perspective of importance, the four levels are successively "academic emphasis" (39.2%), "teachers’ efficacy" (33.9%), "trust in students" (18.3%), and "trust in teacher peer" (8.5%).\n3.In this study, twenty-four indicators of university teachers’ academic optimism were constructed. In terms of "academic emphasis", the first emphasis is on "Teachers provide additional guidance to students with learning difficulties". In terms of "teachers’ efficacy ", "Teachers have good teaching skills" is the priority. In terms of "trust in students", "Teachers believe that students can achieve the academic goals set by the teacher" is the most important. In terms of "trust in teacher peer", the most important thing is to pay attention to "Teachers trusting each other".\nFinally, specific suggestions were provided based on the results of this study to serve as references for higher education institutions, university teachers, and follow-up researchers.
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