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題名: 通網拼湊的「新時代」:台灣網路靈性頻道使用者的媒體經驗與自我宗教初探
Piecing the New Age Spirituality Online: Media Experience and Self-Religion of the YouTube Spirituality Channel User in Taiwan
作者: 沈芸巧
Shen, Yun-Chiao
貢獻者: 林怡潔
Lin, Yi-Chieh
Shen, Yun-Chiao
關鍵詞: 媒體經驗
Media experience
Online Religion
Online spirituality media
New Age
Healing and transformation
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-Jul-2021
摘要: 本研究將YouTube靈性頻道的使用者,設定為網路時代下具自我宗教(self-religion)特徵的新時代者(New Ager),以問卷調查法輔深度訪談法,捕捉網路靈性頻道使用者對於與自我宗教相關的媒體使用之主觀看法與詮釋。研究者以「知」與「行」兩層面切入網路宗教的概念,並參考與補充Hackett(2006)所提出的網路之於宗教的功能,理解網路靈性媒體使用經驗如何輔助使用者進行自我拼湊的宗教實踐,包含其為使用者的內在追尋與療癒轉化帶來何種意義、建立起怎樣類型的信仰社群、為個人化的信仰行為帶來了怎樣的新氣象,又為新時代(New Age)帶來何種改變。\n\n研究者藉由上述提問初探當代新媒體在自我宗教實踐過程中所扮演的角色以及在使用者媒體經驗中具有的符擔性,研究發現:(1)網路靈性媒體對於使用者而言的共同意義包含陪伴、智庫以及作為療癒與轉化的引擎;(2)線上靈性社群發展出了三種關係圖像包含網友式、小圈圈式以及摯友式關係,並且在特定情境下出現了分裂跡象;(3)使用者的「知」具有擴展型與更新型兩種類型的拼湊模式;(4)使用者對演算法的詮釋以及對媒體使用策略轉變的自述皆與他們的靈性觀一同脈動;(5)使用者的轉化與療癒之實踐交融在以網路靈性媒體為中心的媒體經驗當中,而支持與輔助他們的資源,分為內在與外在兩種層面;(6)網路靈性頻道使用者是不同程度的自我宗教者。
In this study, the users of YouTube spirituality channels are set as New Agers with self-religion characteristics in the Internet era. Questionnaire survey is used to assist in-depth interviews, capturing users` subjective interpretations of their self-religion related media use. The researcher approaches the concept of Online Religion from the perspective of "knowing" and "doing", and complements Hackett`s (2006) viewpoint on the role of the Internet in religion. This research tries to figure out the media experience in the following aspects: what meaning it brings to users` inner seeking, healing and transformation; what type of spiritual community it establishes online; what kind of new trend it brings to personalized religious behavior; and what changes it brings to the New Age.\n\nThe findings of this study involve: (1) The common meaning of online spirituality media to the users includes companionship, think tank, and an engine of healing and transformation. (2) The online spiritual community has developed three types of relationship: online friend, small group, and best friend relationships while it also shows signs of fission. (3) The two types of the user`s self-pieced models are expandable model and replaceable model. (4) Their interpretation of algorithms and the media usage strategy are pulsating with their vision of spirituality. (5) The user`s transformation and healing practices are blended in the media experience that supports the users from internal and external levels. (6) The users of online spirituality channels are self-religious to different degrees.
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