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dc.contributor.advisorHsu, Li-Yuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHung, Yu-Ruen_US
dc.creatorHung, Yu-Ruen_US
dc.description.abstractAlthough there is a growing body of research investigating the effectiveness of online tutoring on aspects such as motivation and learners’ language strategy, research into EFL learners’ intercultural learning outcomes through the one-on-one online tutoring platform has been scant. This study aimed to investigate two Taiwanese adult EFL learners’ development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and their intercultural learning experience via an online English tutoring platform. Data were collected through interviews and learners’ learning diaries. Chao’s (2013) three-component model of intercultural competence was adopted to examine learners’ development of ICC.\nThe results showed that the two participants developed various aspects of intercultural communicative competence through interacting with native speakers in the online tutoring environment. First, regarding the affective aspect of intercultural communicative competence, the participants were able to show open attitude to the tutors’ backgrounds, interest in tutors’ stories, surprises with the consulting functions of the platform, personal reflections, hidden emotions, curiosity as well as learning preference through English learning. As for the cognitive aspect of ICC, the participants gained cultural knowledge and awareness about different cultural issues. As for the behavior aspect, both participants admitted that they have greatly improved their English speaking ability and communication skills. As for their attitude toward the online learning experience, both participants were more willing to speak English due to the platform. They learned to adjust their stereotype by connecting with their tutors.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv\nCHINESE ABSTRACT ix\nABSTRACT x\nCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1\nBackground and Motivation of the Study 1\nPurpose of the Study 3\nCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 5\nConceptualizing Intercultural Competence 5\nComponents of Intercultural Communicative Competence 7\nSynchronous Online Tutoring Platform: Functions 10\nSynchronous Online Tutoring Platform: Problems and Challenges 11\nSynchronous Online Tutoring Platform: Learners’ Awareness 12\nCHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 15\nA Case Study Research Design 15\nThe Online Tutoring platform 16\nParticipants 17\nData Collection and Procedures 19\nSemi-structured Interviews 20\nLearning Diaries 21\nData Analysis 22\nCHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS 25\nDarren’s Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence 25\nThe Affective Aspect 25\nThe Cognitive Aspect 32\nThe Behavioral Aspect 37\nGrace’s Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence 42\nThe Affective Aspect 42\nThe Cognitive Aspect 48\nThe Behavioral Aspect 54\nSummary of the Two Participants’ Development of ICC 61\nCHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION 63\nLearners’ Attitude to the Intercultural Learning Experience 63\n1. I felt confident to speak in the encouraging, private and authentic online environment. 63\n2. I determined to find my appropriate learning style in the limited online tutoring platform. 67\nLearners’ Cognition and Behavior in the Intercultural Learning Experiences 71\n1. The participants learned to adjust their values and judgement by understanding dynamic English tutors. 71\n2. The participants emphasized student-teacher connection when matching up with their tutors. 73\nOther Factors That Influence the Learner’s Intercultural Learning Experience: Digital Literacy/ Personality/ the Critical Incident 76\nCHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION 81\nSummary of the Findings 81\nPedagogical Implications 83\nLimitations and Suggestions for Further Research 84\nREFERENCES 87\nAPPENDIX A: INTERVIEW PROTOCOL 95\nAPPENDIX B: LEARNING DIARIES 99zh_TW
dc.format.extent1468341 bytes-
dc.subjectIntercultural Communicative Competenceen_US
dc.subjectAdult learnersen_US
dc.subjectOnline tutoring platformen_US
dc.titleDeveloping Intercultural Communicative Competence Through an Online English Tutoring Platform: A Case Study of Two Adult Learnersen_US
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