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題名: 網紅知名度不同與消費者產生的產品態度之研究-以Youtube平台為例
A Study on Effects of Different Internet Influencer on Consumers’ Product Attitude – Using Youtube as Social Media Examples
作者: 林子傑
Lin, Tzu-Chieh
貢獻者: 簡睿哲
Lin, Tzu-Chieh
關鍵詞: 網紅知名度
internet influencer popularity
advertorial type
platform credibility
internet influencer credibility
internet influencer familiarity
product attitude
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: 近年來網路與大眾的關係越來越密不可分,網路影音平台興起,在同儕之間除了平時追劇在用的Netflix和愛奇藝等等,在觀看創作者自創影片時通常都是前往Youtube尋找並且觀賞,從最初在每天幾萬部影片的更新中尋找自己的消遣娛樂,直到後來開始訂閱某些創作者網紅,並且在固定時間期待他們更新影片,在平日生活中情緒有所起伏時,甚至可能把觀看他們的影片當成是一種心靈的慰藉以及宣洩,時間久了之後也會發現自己似乎傾向於觀看某些類型的網紅又或者是影片形式。同時也因為越來越多現代人待在家裡的時間變少以及3C產品隨手可使用的便利性,造成不論是通勤、上班、下班,消費者的休閒娛樂從觀賞電視節目漸漸轉向各種線上影音平台的影片,消費者在想要購買某些產品時,也會先上網搜尋相關的資訊,例如:開箱文、使用心得分享,以增加對產品的認識進而影響消費者對此產品的態度。\n基於消費者觀看影片的習慣改變,以及更願意相信網路上自己追隨一段時間的網紅,同時也因為傳統廣告內容太過制式化以及許多法規上的限制,廠商與網紅合作「業配」也漸漸取代傳統廣告成為新的趨勢,透過創作者網紅原本與粉絲建立起的信任來進一步的替廠商傳達產品的概念,能夠較快速地使消費者信服,但要如何在資訊量如此發達的網路世界增加消費者觀看「業配」影片後的產品態度,又或者要如何讓消費者從頭到尾將這部影片觀賞完畢,而不是一點開影片發現是「業配」內容就選擇關閉呢?同時,知名與剛開始起步的網紅訂閱人數會有很大的差別,此時廠商在進行「業配」接洽時,也會造成較大的成本落差,該如何找到適合與自家產品合作的網紅,知名度高的網紅所產生的高觸及率是否較能有效提升產品態度,又或者是粉絲人數不多但也因此與粉絲有更多互動,產生高黏著度的網紅能夠提升更多的產品態度呢?\n故本研究欲探討網紅知名度的高低與業配影片呈現方式的不同是否對消費者觀看影片後產生的產品態度有所不同的影響,同時影片主要透過Youtube-媒介管道以及網紅-傳遞者傳達給消費者。消費者在接收到產品資訊前會先受到此前所認知的「業配類型」、「平台信任度」、「網紅可信度」、「網紅熟悉度」的影響,故把這些因素納入作為調節變數,分別探討其對產品態度之調節效果,同時因為以上一個自變數以及四個調節變數並不一定能透過一部影片直接影響消費者購買意願,但也許會先影響到消費者對於此產品整體態度,又或者是影片給予消費者的回饋只足夠影響消費者本身對於此產品的態度。本研究決定先將產品態度加入應變數,透過網紅知名度的這個自變數以及四個調節變數,探討消費者的產品態度會有何改變,完整建立起本研究欲探討之模型。\n而本研究也在假設驗證中部份得到驗證,了解到在與知名度高的網紅合作時,在影片形式上,需要直接告知消費者這是一部業配影片,且詳細介紹產品;而在與知名度低的網紅合作時,則需要透過例如生活紀錄片的方式,將產品以置入性行銷的方法帶入影片中,更能夠提升消費者的產品態度。而不同的網紅熟悉度對於知名度不同的網紅也會對消費者產生不同的產品態度。因此,未來若廠商在思考該如何找到適當的網紅與影片合作,可以參考本研究的結果。
The relationship between Internet and public become more and more inseparable in the recent years. Because of the rise of internet social media, peers between us use Netflix and iqiyi to binge-watch many dramas, but if they want to find some interesting videos by user generated content they need to view in Youtube. There are thousands of updated video every day , users need to find the one they like at first, but they will start to subscribe some Youtubers which attract them after a period of time and expect Youtubers to update their new videos. When there is up and down in uers’ daily life, watching videos which generated by Youtubers they like may become one kind of measure they can let off some steam. They will find themselves tend to watch specific Youtubers or video genre. Customers’ amusement turn from watching TV show to different kinds of video from online media platform at home or when commuting. If customers want to purchase some products, they will search the related information, the content of unboxing or experience sharing after using the product for example to know more about the product therefore affect consumers’ product attitude. From the base of the change of habit which videos customers watching and customers nowadays trust more about the influencers they follow. Because of the contents of traditional advertising are too standard and are ruled by many laws, traditional advertisements were replaced by “Advertorials” but how to improve the product attitude of customers in the informatization Internet and how to let customers watching the videos completely but not exit the video page before the end of the video. There are different costs of advertorial with micro and macro influencers. Companies which want to cooperate with influencers should find out which can improve more product attitude effectively.\nAccording to previous mention, this thesis want to search how influencers popularity and advertorial disclosure will affect customers’ product attitude. The video is mainly conveyed product information to customers by Youtube and influencers. Consumers will be affected by “advertorial disclosure”, “platform credibility”, “internet influencer credibility”, “internet influencer familiarity” before watching the advertorial video and receiving the product information. In this thesis we put all these factors into moderators and discuss the moderate effect separately. Because that all these independent variable and moderators may not affect consumers’ purchase intention by only such a video but may affect product attitude at first. Our thesis decide to put product attitude into dependent variable and discuss how will product attitude change by affected by one independent variable and four moderators.\nAfter our analyses, we can see if companies want to cooperate with the internet influencer with high popularity, the video they generate need to tell customers this is an advertorial video at first and introduce the detail of product; if companies want to cooperate with the internet influencer with low popularity, the video should be like video blog that use product placement to put product inside the video. These two different methods can improve consumers’ product attitude. We also find that different internet influencer familiarity with different internet influencer popularity will generate different product attitude also. Therefore, if companies consider about what kind of internet influencer and video should they cooperate, they can refer our result of this thesis.
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