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題名: 初探Open Insurance之發展與法制建構-以資料權利與保護為中心
A Preliminary Study on Development and Regulatory Scheme of Open Insurance-Focus on Data Right and Data Protection
作者: 郭令瑜
Guo, Ling-Yu
貢獻者: 張冠群
Chang, Kuan-Chun
Guo, Ling-Yu
關鍵詞: 開放保險
Open Insurance
Open API
Data portability
Consumer Data Right
Data sharing
Data protection
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: Open Banking近幾年來在全球金融圈掀起了一波熱潮,在獲得成效後,拓展到其他產業將是下一波趨勢,將類似概念應用在保險業的Open Insurance即陸續開始被討論。Open Insurance是指在消費者的同意下,保險公司可以透過應用程式介面(API)將保險相關資料分享給第三方業者,除了能促進保險商品及服務的創新,亦能讓消費者自行決定資料的使用方式,而獲得資料的主控權。\n本文擬以Open Insurance為研究對象,研究其可行之發展模式,並探討其如何應用在保險業之相關流程,及保險公司應採行何種策略應對。另外,有鑑於Open Insurance涉及特種個資的資料共享,在資料保護上勢必得更加完備,故本文亦將著重於資料權利或資料保護法制之建構,並經比較歐盟、英國、澳洲之立法模式後,就我國法制現況提出修正方向。\n我國雖然尚在推動Open Banking第二階段,惟於金融科技發展路徑圖已提及欲將適用產業拓展至保險業等其他金融業。是以,本文擬展望未來,探討Open Insurance在我國之可行發展模式與平台建構,並分別就法制面及監管面提出相關建議。\n最後,本研究擬提出下列六項建議,分別是:(一)設立開放保險API管理平台(二)建構第三方業者認證及管理機制(三)明訂資料可攜權或消費者資料權(四)透過ADR及ODR機制解決紛爭(五)建立消費者個資管理機制(六)設計完善之資料治理體制,期能為我國發展Open Insurance提供方向。
In recent years, Open Banking has been all the rage in global financial sector, and expanding to other industries will be the next trend. Open Insurance, which applies similar concepts in insurance industry, begins to be discussed recently. Open Insurance means insurance companies can share insurance-related data with third parties with consent of consumers through API. In addition to facilitating innovation in insurance products and services, Open Insurance allows consumers to gain control over data.\nThis thesis intends to research feasible development of Open Insurance. As sensitive personal data may be shared, data protection should be more complete. Therefore, this thesis will focus on legal construction of data right or data protection, and compare legislative models of the EU, the UK and Australia.\nThe development of Open Banking in Taiwan is in the second phase, however, the fintech development roadmap has mentioned that the applicable industries will expand to other financial industries such as insurance. Hence, this thesis will prospect for future, discuss feasible development mode and platform construction of Open Insurance in Taiwan, and raise suggestions from legal and regulatory aspects respectively.\nFinally, this thesis proposes the following six recommendations: (1) Establishing an Open insurance API management platform (2) Creating certification and management mechanism for third parties (3) Stipulating right to data portability or consumer data right (4) Resolving disputes through ADR and ODR mechanisms (5) Establishing consumer personal data management mechanism (6) Designing proper data governance system, hoping to provide direction for development of Open Insurance in Taiwan.
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