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dc.contributor.authorChang, Chia-Hsuanen_US
dc.creatorChang, Chia-Hsuanen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣自行車產業為出口導向產業,外銷比率高達 90%;而臺灣自行車零件市場出口強勁,於 2018 年金額高達 12.5 億美元,自行車貿易商在自行車產業中扮演了關鍵角色。本研究以臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司為例,探討自行車補修市場的營運模式。透過 Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) 有關商業模式的論述進行個案研究法,探討: (1) 臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司既有營運模式;(2) 臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司既有營運模式,並選出最具優勢的營運模式;(3) 提出臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司維持多種營運模式的策略意涵。\n\n根據個案分析結果,本研究作以下結論:(1) 臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司既有營運模式有四種類型,包括:協助J 公司(即主力顧客)自有品牌開發產品管理與採購管理、J 公司代理品牌是臺灣自行車零組件工廠、J 公司主導產品規格、由代理品牌母公司主導產品規格;(2)將前述四個既有營運模式套入商業模式九宮格後,發現研究個案最具優勢的營運模式為「協助J 公司(即主力顧客)自有品牌開發產品管理與採購管理」。根據前述商業模式,本研究再發展出 A 自行車零組件貿易公司維持多種營運模式的策略意涵為本研究發現(3)包括:強化主力顧客自有品牌的經營、積極投入與培養產品開發領域、優化產品驗貨作業流程、深化與臺灣和中國合作工廠的關係、鞏固主力顧客的轉換成本、滿足主力顧客整體需求、提高潛在競爭者進入障礙、降低個案公司集中單一顧客的營運不確定性。\n\n依此,本研究提出四點建議供自行車零組件貿易公司經營上的參考 (1) 鞏固自行車零組件貿易公司在網路時代裡的存在價值;(2) 運用顧客觀點設計自行車零組件貿易公司的營運模式;(3) 解決營運模式 A 在運作上的問題,以及(4) 合作對象以小型工廠為主,若與大型工廠合作,建議開發客製化產品。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Taiwan bicycle industry is an export-oriented industry with an export ratio of up to 90%. In addition, the Taiwan bicycle component market has a strong export performance and achieved a turnover of US$ 1.25 billion in 2018. Bicycle trading companies play a critical role in the bicycle industry. This study takes the A bicycle component trading company in Taiwan as an example to investigate the business models of the bicycle aftermarket. A case study was conducted based on the Business Model Canvas proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) for the following purposes: (1) investigate the existing business models of the A bicycle component trading company in Taiwan; (2) use the Business Model Canvas to analyze the existing business models of the A bicycle component trading company and select the most advantageous one; (3) propose the strategic implications of maintaining multiple business models by the A bicycle component trading company.\n\nBased on the results, this study concludes that the A bicycle component trading company in Taiwan had four types of existing business models: (1) assisting the J company (i.e., the main customer) with private brand development, product management, and procurement management (2) the J company’s agent brand was a bicycle component factory in Taiwan; (3) the J company led the product specifications; (4) the parent company of the agent brand led the product specifications. After integrating these four existing business models into the Business Model Canvas, we discovered that the most advantageous one was the first business model. Based on this business model, the study further investigated the strategic implications of maintaining multiple business models by the A bicycle component trading company. It ascertained that the implications included the following: (1) strengthening the operation of its main customers’ private brands; (2) actively investing and cultivating the field of product development; (3) optimizing the product inspection process; (4) deepening the relationship with Taiwan-China cooperative factories; (5) consolidating the switching costs of main customers; (6) satisfying the overall needs of main customers; (7) raising entry barriers against potential competitors; and (8) reducing the operational uncertainty of managing a single customer for the case company.\n\nBased on the above research findings, this study proposed the following four suggestions for the operation of bicycle component trading companies: (1) consolidate the existence value of bicycle component trading companies in the Internet era; (2) design the business model from the customers’ perspective; (3) solve the operational problems of the aforementioned first business model; and (4) focus on the cooperation with small factories. Moreover, when cooperating with large factories, developing customized products is tactical.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 4\n第三節 研究流程 4\n第四節 名詞釋義 6\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 自行車補修市場 7\n第二節 商業模式 15\n第三節 價值鏈 28\n第四節 相關研究 29\n第三章 研究設計 35\n第一節 研究架構 35\n第二節 研究範圍 37\n第三節 研究方法 41\n第四章 個案實證 43\n第一節 臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司既有的營運模式 43\n第二節 運用商業模式圖分析(商業模式九宮格) 臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司既有營運模式 52\n第三節 臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司 維持多種營運模式的策略意涵 78\n第五章 結論與建議 83\n第一節 研究結論 83\n第二節 實務意涵 87\n第三節 研究限制 91\n參考文獻 93zh_TW
dc.subjectBusiness Modelen_US
dc.subjectValue Chainen_US
dc.title自行車補修市場營運模式之探究 - 以臺灣 A 自行車零組件貿易公司為例zh_TW
dc.titleThe Study on the Business Models of the Bicycle Aftermarket - An Example for A Bicycle Components Trading Company in Taiwanen_US
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