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題名: 神化思想在中國本土基督教的再現:從西方個人靈修到召會的團體行動實踐
The Reappearance of The Idea of Theosis in Chinese Christianity: From Western Personal Spirituality to Corporate Action and Practice of the Local Church
作者: 張證豪
Chang, Cheng-Hao
貢獻者: 郭承天
Kuo, Cheng-Tian
Chang, Cheng-Hao
關鍵詞: 中國基督教
Chinese Christianity
Witness Lee
Local Church
Corporate Practice
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: 神化思想在西方基督教中由來已久,並不是一個新的概念或論述。早自希臘教父時期起,神化思想即已有相當的發展;但在中世紀之後,神化思想逐漸歸於沉寂。宗教改革運動以來,神化思想在基督教中僅有零星的蹤跡。近代的西方學者對於神化的議題,也抱持著保留或懷疑的態度。然而,西方在本世紀初以來,卻重新掀起了對神化教義的研究熱潮。無獨有偶的是,神化思想也出現於上個世紀末的中國本土基督教。召會的神學家李常受,以「亞他那修」為起始發展出他的神化論述,並將其論述具體實踐於教會的團體行動中。由於以往神化思想的論述與實踐,大多是聚焦在神化個人層面,較少著墨於神化對於教會的意義與團體性的行動與實踐。因此,本文擬以神化分析理論架構分析的李常受的神化論述與召會在團體實踐上的內涵。
The idea of theosis has a long history in Western Christianity and it is not a new concept or discourse. The idea of theosis has developed considerably since the Greek Fathers, but it gradually declines after the Middle Ages. After the Reformation Movement, the idea of theosis has only sporadic traces in Christianity. Modern Western scholars have reservations or doubts about theosis. However, since the beginning of this century, there has been a resurgence of research on the doctrine of theosis in the West. Coincidentally, the idea of theosis also appeared in Chinese Christianity at the end of the last century. Witness Lee, the theologian of the Local Church, developed the discourse of theosis from Athanasius and put his own discourse into the corporate practice in the church. Because most of the discussion and practice of theosis focus on the individual aspect in the past but pay less attention to the meaning of theosis for the church and corporate action and Practice in the church. Therefore, this thesis will analyze Witness Lee`s deification discourse and the practical connotation of the Local Church according to the theoretical framework of the deification analysis.
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