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題名: 論營造業雇主於勞工職災之射倖代價 -以勞工墜落職災補償及侵權行為損害賠償為中心
The aleatoria costs of workers’ occupational accidents for employers in the construction industry -Focusing on compensation for occupational accidents and tort damages of workers falling
作者: 林信璁
Lin, Shin-Tsung
貢獻者: 顏玉明
Lin, Shin-Tsung
關鍵詞: 墜落
Fall Accidents
Occupational Accidents
Construction Industry
Employers’ Risk Realization Value
Employers’ Expenditure Cost Value
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: 我國營造業之職業災害案例中,尤以勞工墜落意外占比最高。探其主要原因,在於不安全行為及不安全環境。然而多數研究中,多僅聚焦於如何有效防止勞工墜落之發生或相關風險管理策略。縱有法律相關文獻,討論上亦多僅侷限於勞動契約存在與否、是否構成勞基法上職業災害或民法侵權行為,以及判斷職業災害補償及侵權行為損害賠償之數額。此外,對於日益完備的職業安全衛生相關法令,究竟雇主對於此等法定義務主觀上是不願執行,還是存有不能執行之難處等關於雇主心態的討論亦顯有所見。\n本研究挑選民國99年至108年間,因模板工、鋼構組裝工、泥作工墜落涉訟之民事判決中,並以雇主為歸責主體,區分「雇主未提供安全工地環境」、「同時該當雇主未使勞工使用個人護具,及雇主未提供安全工地環境」二種態樣,分別整理法院判決的侵權行為損害賠償及職災補償數額(雇主風險實現額),以及透過法院所認定之事實推估雇主遵守職業安全相關法定義務應支出的成本(雇主的補償及賠償風險預防支出成本),再用以比較前開二數值之差距。\n本研究分析後之結果發現,無論何種態樣,雇主之補償及賠償風險預防支出成本均高於雇主風險實現額,其中又以造成勞工死亡之差距最大。此外,於判決中造成勞工墜落之原因,以「同時該當雇主造成勞工不安全行為,及雇主造成工地不安全環境」為最大宗;地域位置以中南部為多,而工程類型上,以民間中小型私人工程尤甚。\n對於前開結論,本研究認為在損害賠償慰撫金及喪葬費的部分應可予以調整,且針對死亡的類型,宜檢討餘命損害及死者生前非財產上損害賠償之制度,並加強勞工拒絕於不安全工作環境工作之個人意識。
Occupational accidents in the construction industry remain the highest, especially in fall accidents. Most of the researches showed that the work environments and the unsafe behaviors of the workers are two of the most important factors causing the incidents. However, there were very few studies focusing on how the employers` attitude might have indirectly impacted or linked to the accidents. This research is intended to draw concerns of the employers` attitude when it comes to the compliance of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Prior to discussing the core issue, we have to understand whether the employer’ are unwilling to implement such statutory obligations, or is there a difficulty that cannot be implemented with the Act in reality.\nThis research compares and analyzes fall accidents by collecting civil judgments in occupational accidents occur from 2010 to 2019 among three of the most common workers, including form fixers, steel workers, and mud workers. The data are divided into two categories. The first group “ Employers’ Risk Realization Value“ is add up both compensation cost for occupational accidents and damages in tort. The other group “Employers’ Expenditure Cost Value" is the cost that the employers have to pay to prevent the occupational accidents. Based on the result of this research, in all of the civil judgments the Employers’ Expenditure Cost Values are higher than the Employers’ Risk Realization Values, and it is especially true in death cases, which explains why most of the employers are speculative when it comes to occupational accidents prevention. In addition, a lot of causes for occupational accidents are both caused by the unsafe work environment as well as the unsafe behaviors of the workers, mostly in private construction projects located in central and southern Taiwan.\nIn conclusion, in order to create a safer working environment, this research proposed three possible solutions to the problem. The first one is to amend Civil Law and Labor Standards relating to the computation of consolation payment and funeral costs. The second solution is to review the earnings in the lost years and “non-pecuniary loss” before death. Last but not least is to increase the safety consciousness of workers.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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