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題名: 順從或反抗?數位時代中攝影記者的性別實踐
Subordinate or Subversive? Photojournalists’ Gender Practices in Digital Work Environments
作者: 李安容
Lee, An-Jung
貢獻者: 康庭瑜
Kang, Ting-Yu
Lee, An-Jung
關鍵詞: 攝影記者
Masculine Culture
Gender and Work
Digital Competence
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: 過去,女性因為種種原因難以進入新聞攝影,有人說是因為該職業要求的高度體能負荷導致它成為男性主導的行業,也有人認為是新聞行業盛行的陽剛文化使新聞攝影成為「男性專屬的俱樂部」。多年來,由於技術的進步,攝影器材不再笨重,使用上也趨於簡單,攝影記者的門檻因此降低。隨之而來的是,越來越多的女性以及公民攝影記者在這一領域嶄露頭角。然而,一些研究表明新聞室的陽剛文化依然阻礙著女性攝影記者的加入。因此,本研究旨在探討在數位時代下,性別在當代新聞攝影中扮演了什麼角色、與過去的研究相比,新聞攝影中的陽剛文化是否有所改變,以及數位科技的運用能否為處於性別不平等關係中的女性帶來曙光。本研究透過深度訪談,採訪了 4 位男性和 6 位女性攝影記者在數位時代下的工作經驗,以及他們對於新聞攝影中性別關係的見解。結果發現,直述新聞為攝影記者的每天主要的工作內容,而陽剛文化也因該類型新聞的工作實踐而深根蒂固於新聞攝影行業中。不過,部分女性攝影記者卻拒絕順從陽剛文化,並開始展現他們對於男性價值的反抗。而在不停進步的數位環境中,擁有影音製作能力有助於增加女性進入新聞攝影行業的機會,也助於她們在新聞編輯室中的階級流動。
In the past, women have been excluded from joining photojournalism as a profession due to many reasons. Some say it was the high demands of photojournalism, including the physical demands that had led to it being a male dominated industry, while some believe it was the masculine culture prevailing in the news industry that had made photojournalism become a “boy’s club”. Over the years, owing to technological improvement, camera gears are no longer heavy and complex to manage. As a result, more women are rising in the field as well as citizen photojournalists. However, some research reveal that female photojournalists remain the minority due to the enduring masculine newsroom culture. Thus, this study aims to explore how gender has been discussed in modern photojournalism, the value of digital skills in relation to gender, and whether the digital age offers women the opportunity to negotiate gender equality in the newsroom.\nI interviewed 4 male and 6 female photojournalists. The results showed that masculine culture is deeply rooted in the work practice of straight news reporting because of its required physical ability and social skills. Meanwhile, women started to show their disapproval toward the masculine culture by refusing to comply with the masculine norms. Furthermore, digital competence in video production has not only helped increase women’s job opportunity but also helped their class mobility in the newsroom.
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