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題名: 消費性貸款對國民儲蓄率之影響— 台灣的實證分析
The Effect of Consumption Loans on the National Saving Rate– An Empirical Study of Taiwan
作者: 林玟妤
Lin, Wen-Yu
貢獻者: 洪福聲
Hung, Fu-Sheng
Lin, Wen-Yu
關鍵詞: 國民儲蓄率
The National Saving Rate
Consumption Loans
Least Squares Estimation
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: 國內資本形成有賴於儲蓄的累積,儲蓄可以說是國家經濟成長的有利基石,但整體而言,儲蓄率對國家的影響卻有多個層面。一方面較高的儲蓄率有利於資本累積與經濟成長;另一方面,過高的儲蓄率意味著消費與投資動能不足,可能使經濟產生停滯而有不利的結果。基於儲蓄率對整體國家的深遠影響,探討影響儲蓄率的因素一直是一個很重要的研究議題。過去文獻大多探討社會褔利制度或社會變遷如人口老化議題與家庭結構變化對儲蓄率的影響,抑或總體經濟因素與儲蓄率之間的關聯,忽略了金融體系對儲蓄率可能的影響。隨著我國金融發展的改革與開放以及民眾消費觀念與習慣的改變,金融機構扮演的角色逐漸重要。\n當人們所得大於消費時,剩餘的部分形成儲蓄進入金融體系,然而所得不足的人也有消費需求,過去金融機構並未重視消費性貸款的業務,又在民間借貸存在訊息不對稱的情況下,消費性的融資活動幾乎無法進行,使真正想要借貸的人借不到錢而無法滿足消費;1990年代中期以來,我國金融市場面臨開放與轉型,消費性貸款開始蓬勃發展,民眾得以從金融機構中取得消費所需資金。過去受限於融資不易而無法充分滿足消費,如今有了消費性貸款的融資管道,民眾融資相對於過去容易許多,然而消費性借貸是否受到限制?假設消費性借貸不受限制,則民眾不須強迫儲蓄,消費性貸款將無法影響儲蓄率,若消費性借貸受有限制,消費性貸款將會如何影響國民儲蓄率?本研究主要目的在運用台灣的資料,探究我國消費性貸款對國民儲蓄率之影響。\n實證結果顯示,消費性貸款率對國民儲蓄率存在顯著的負相關,表示民眾的消費性借貸是受到限制的,而消費性貸款的發展會影響整體儲蓄率下滑。人們受到的借貸限制越少,取得消費所需的資金就越容易,消費比較不受侷限,容易增加消費而減少儲蓄,使國家整體的儲蓄率降低。
The formation of domestic capital depends on the accumulation of savings. Savings can be said to be a favorable cornerstone of the country’s economic growth. Overall, the impact of the saving rate on the country has multiple levels. On the one hand, a high saving rate is conducive to capital accumulation and economic growth; On the other hand, an excessively high saving rate means that consumption and investment momentum is insufficient, which may cause the economy to stagnate and have unfavorable results. Based on the far-reaching impact of the saving rate on the country as a whole, exploring the factors that affect the saving rate has always been a very important research topic. Most of the literature in the past discussed the impact of social welfare systems or social changes such as population aging issues and changes in household structure on the saving rate, or the relationship between general economic factors and the saving rate,which ignoring the possible impact of the financial system on the saving rate. With the reform and opening up of financial development and the changes in people’s consumption habits, the role of financial institutions has become increasingly important.\nWhen people’s income exceeds consumption, the remaining part forms savings into the financial system. However, people with insufficient income also have consumer demand. In the past, financial institutions did not focus on the business of consumption loans, and in the case of information asymmetry in private lending, the consumer financing activities are almost impossible to carry out, so that those who really want to borrow cannot borrow money and cannot meet consumption; Since the mid-1990s, Taiwan’s financial market has been opening up and undergoing transformation, consumption loans have developed rapidly and vigorously, and people have been able to obtain funds from financial institutions. In the past, limited by the difficulty of financing, it was unable to fully satisfy consumption. Nowadays, with the financing channels of consumption loans, people`s financing is much easier than in the past. However, are consumption loans restricted? Assuming that there is non-binding on the amount of borrowing from financial institutions, people do not have the intention to save, and consumption loans may not be able to affect the saving rate. If there is binding on the amount of borrowing, how will it affect the national saving rate?\nThe empirical results show that there is a significant negative correlation between the rate of consumption loans and the national saving rate, indicating that there is binding on the amount of borrowing, and the development of consumption loans will indeed affect the saving rate decline. The fewer borrowing restrictions people are subject to, the easier it is to obtain the funds needed for consumption, and it is easier to increase consumption and reduce savings, making the saving rate of the country lower.
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