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題名: 國民中學促進自主學習課堂評估指標建構之研究
A Study on the Construction of Evaluation Indexes of Classroom for Promote Self-regulated Learning in Junior High School
作者: 陳君武
Chen, Chun-Wu
貢獻者: 秦夢群<br>郭昭佑
Chin, Mon-Jing<br>Kau, Chao-yu
Chen, Chun-Wu
關鍵詞: 十二年國教
12-Year Basic Education
Self-regulated Learning
Evaluation Indexes of Classroom for Promote Self-regulated Learning
Delphi Technique
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-八月-2021
摘要: 本研究旨在建構「國民中學促進自主學習課堂評估指標」,研究者首先透過文獻的蒐集探討,深入瞭解有關自主學習之內涵、十二年國民基本教育理念及相關研究,介入自主學習的重要領域、以學習者為中心、素養導向課程與教學、差異化教學之相關文獻,以作為本研究之理論基礎及研究設計依據;又經過專家訪談、三次德懷術調查、專家諮詢會議,最終獲得質化意見之共識、指標重要程度之集中趨勢(平均數、標準差、眾數計量分析)及共識性檢定(Consensus deviation index, CDI)評分者一致性意見檢定,建構內容效度客觀性,完成建構「國民中學促進自主學習課堂評估指標」之研究。歸納出以下幾點結論,說明如下:\n一、 十二年國教課綱理念之自主學習概念模式不是機械和僵化的指南,截然地一個個動作或步驟;而是一種能夠讓促進或解決方案穩定而持續創造價值的方式,以及一個所需的教育或課堂生態系統,最終引領終身學習的可能。\n二、 十二年國教課綱理念之促進自主學習課堂實踐圖像的關鍵理念包括有:「介入促進自主學習課堂的多重領域」、「主張以學習者中心」、「強調個別差異」及「關注素養導向」,並從中探析以萃取其行動要素。\n三、國民中學促進自主學習課堂評估指標之架構,包含5大構面、15個向度、45項指標,結合政策與現場實務。\n四、國民中學促進自主學習課堂評估指標之專家問卷,具有優良內容效度及一致性的評分結果。\n最後,依研究發現與結論,本文提出對教育主管機關、學校及後續相關研究之建議,期能為國內自主學習教育帶來新的啟示。
This study aims to construct the &quot;Classroom Evaluation Index for Promoting Self-regulated Learning in in Junior High School.&quot; The researcher fully understand the connotation of Self-regulated learning, the Rationale of 12-year Basic Education and related research, relevant literature on Self-regulatory dimensions, Learner-centered, literacy-oriented curriculum and teaching, and differentiated teaching by going through collection of literature. These theories serve as the basis of research design for the evaluation indexes to promote the Self-regulated in Junior High School in this study; also by expert interviews, and a total of three questionnaire survey on Delphi Technique will be conducted, Expert consultation meeting, and reaching the consensus of qualitative opinions, the central tendency of the index importance (average, standard deviation, mode Econometric analysis), and consensus deviation index (CDI) experts consistency test, the researcher construct the objectivity of content validity, and completing the research on the construction of &quot; Evaluation Indexes of Classroom for Promote Self-regulated Learning in Junior High School &quot;. Summarizing conclusions explained bellow:\n\n1. The Self-regulated learning conceptual model of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education Rationale is not a mechanical and rigid guideline. It is a way to make promotion and solutions stable and create value constantly, as well as a substainable classroom ecosystem. It will eventually lead to the possibility of lifelong learning.\n\n2. The key concepts of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education Rationale to promote Self-regulated learning classroom include: &quot; Multiple areas of involvement of Classroom for Promote Self-regulated Learning &quot;, &quot; Learner-centered &quot;, &quot;Emphasizing individual differences&quot; and &quot; Focusing on literacy orientation &quot;, to explore it and extract its action elements.\n\n3. The framework of the evaluation indexes of Classroom for Promote Self-regulated Learning in Junior High School, including 5 major dimensions, 15 sub-dimensions, and 45 indexes, combining policies and field practices.\n\n4. The expert questionnaire of the evaluation indexes of Classroom for Promote Self-regulated Learning in Junior High School, with excellent content validity and consistent scoring results.\nAccording to the research findings and conclusions, this study provides suggestions for education administrations, schools, and subsequent studies. These suggestions expect to promote insights for self-regulated learning education.
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