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題名: 臺灣憂鬱情緒量表之後設分析
Meta-Analysis of Taiwan Depression Scale
作者: 黃舒靜
Huang, Shu-Jing
貢獻者: 余民寧
Yu, Min-Ning
Huang, Shu-Jing
關鍵詞: 臺灣憂鬱情緒量表
Taiwan Depression Scale
psychological capital
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要: 我們現今所處的時代是被「憂鬱」所宰制的年代,「憂鬱」對於現代人來說是不陌生的文明病,有鑑於憂鬱疾患對現代社會的負面影響,本研究旨在探討余民寧等人(2008)所發展的「臺灣憂鬱情緒量表」(Taiwan Depression Scale, TDS)在臺灣的施測現況。研究方法採用後設分析法(Meta-Analysis)分析臺灣憂鬱情緒量表歷年的施測數據。本研究共納入39篇文獻(43項研究),總共29524人,並探究5個調節變項。研究結果發現:(1)臺灣人整體上有低度至中度憂鬱情緒程度,比例上約有6%至12%的潛在憂鬱疾患高危險群。(2)臺灣憂鬱情緒量表與幸福感量表的關聯性最強,具有中度的負向關係。(3)調節變項以地區、年齡層、職業別、性別、出版類別影響憂鬱情緒與其他心理特質之關係,且仍存在其他潛在的未知變項。\n基於上述之研究結論,本研究以(1)教育實務,以及(2)未來研究提出研究建議,並呼籲臺灣民眾重視自身之心理健康狀態。
The era we are engaged in is being dominated by “depression”. It is a disease of affluence that is no stranger to us modern society. Regarding the negative impact depressive disorders have on modern society, this study aims to investigate the test administration of Taiwan Depression Scale (TDS), developed by Yu et al. (2008). Meta-analysis was adopted as the research method of this research in order to analyze the data assessed by Taiwan Depression Scale over the years. An inclusion of 39 literature (43 studies), resulting in 29524 samples, was used to investigate 5 moderator variables. Research results were found as follows: (1) The depressed level of Taiwanese were low to medium, with a rate around 6% to 12% being the latent population at high risk of depressive disorders. (2) The relationship between Taiwan Depression Scale and Well-being Scales were the greatest, indicating a medium negative relationship. (3) Moderators including regions, age levels, occupations, gender, and publication types affect the relationship between depression and other psychological traits, with the existence of further unknown latent variables remain to be found.\nIn accordance with research conclusions mentioned above, the researcher proposed several research suggestions in (1) educational practice and (2) further research. The appeal for paying more attention to the psychological health status of people in Taiwan is made by the researcher.
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