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題名: 成年後父母離婚對青年影響及其適應之敘說研究
A Narrative Study of Parental Divorce Impact on the Young Adult Children and Their Psychological Adaptation Process
作者: 吳諾瑋
Wu, No-Wei
貢獻者: 鄭同僚
Wu, No-Wei
關鍵詞: 成年後父母離婚青年
Young adult children of divorce
Adaptation process
Copying strategy
Family structure
Family process
Narrative research
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-八月-2021
摘要: 本研究旨在理解臺灣成年後父母離婚青年所遭遇的影響以及其適應歷程,包含成年青年於父母離婚前所面臨之長期衝突家庭環境,父母離婚事件的發生,以及父母離婚後所歷經的情境壓力,以及在此過程中的適應策略及影響適應的因素。本研究透過兩位研究參與者進行深度質性訪談後,以敘說研究中的「情境分析」與「類屬分析」進行探究。\n  研究發現兩人的適應走向皆為從被動走向主動,其中主動調適長久來看是對適應較有助益的應對策略,不但較有機會保有較高的自尊及自我效能感,正向概念重構的思考模式也有助於積極面對困境,提升復原力;然而被動與迴避式的應對策略可以提供暫時性的舒緩,減輕立即性的負面感受,可以有效維持身心健康,但長久來看並無法實際改善困境,過度迴避將陷入逃避的惡性循環。\n影響適應的可能因素以個人層面、家庭層面以及社會環境層面三個面向來分析,其中個人層面的影響因素包含人格特質對復原力的影響以及年齡的正負效應;家庭層面則受父母對孩子介入婚姻衝突的態度、父母離間行為以及手足選邊站衝突的影響;社會環境層面則受同儕經驗以及外界資源取得之便利性的影響。\n父母離婚造成的家庭結構改變,影響成年子女最為顯著的是家庭儀式的改變,他們必須更為謹慎地分配與規劃自身與雙方家長和家族共度節日與聚會的時間,甚至必須花費雙倍的心力來維繫與家庭的關係。另一方面,家庭歷程觀點將父母離婚前後的家庭成員互動品質對成年子女的影響納入考量,做較為周全的詮釋與探討,而研究發現,父母離婚前的婚姻互動品質,以及父母離婚後的自我照顧(是否出現離間行為或是過度依賴的行為等)深刻影響子女的適應狀況以及自身的親密關係經營。\n最後研究者對研究限制、未來研究主題、父母離婚之青年以及父母提出相關建議。
The purpose of this study is to understand parental divorce impact on the young adult children and their psychological adaptation process, including the adaptation strategies and factors during long-term marital conflict of parents before divorce, divorce event itself, and post-divorce adjustment. This study had in-depth interview with two participants. The data were explored and analyzed through “contextual analysis” and “categorical analysis” approaches from narrative research.\n  A certain pattern was found in the adaptation process of young adult children. The coping strategies used during the adaptation process transferred from passive to active. Avoidance coping strategies made the stressful situation more tolerable by protecting the individual from feeling overwhelmed. However, too much reliance upon avoidance strategies may lead to negative adaptation. Active coping strategies were considered to be more effective and beneficial to the resilience in the long term.\nAs for the possible factors that might influence the adaptation were examined in three levels. First, from personal level, the factors included personality and age. Second, from family level, the factors included parents’ attitude toward children involved in marital conflict, parental alienation, and sibiling conflict. Third, from social and environmental level, the factors included the experience from peers and the accessibility of the external support and sources.\nParental divorce impact on the young adult children were also examined in two perspectives, including family structure and family process. From the perspective of family structure, it was found that the change in family ritual was the most significant one. From the perspective of family process, it was found that the marital quality before parental divorce and the self-caring quality of each parent after the divorce profoundly inflence the adaptation of young adult children and their own intimate relationship.\nResearch limitations and suggestions for future research, youn adult children and parents were discussed.
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