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題名: 知識創新活動融入繪本教學對國中生同理心發展之影響
Effects of knowledge building activities integrated with picture book teaching on junior high school students’ empathy development
作者: 宋佳霖
Sung, Chia-Lin
貢獻者: 洪煌堯<br>郭昭佑
Hong, Huang-Yao<br>Guo, Chao-yu
Sung, Chia-Lin
關鍵詞: 知識創新
Knowledge building
Picture book teaching
Creative thinking
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-八月-2021
摘要: 同理心在青少年發展良好人際關係上扮演重要角色。為發展出一套能有效培養青少年同理心的教學法,本研究嘗試將知識創新理念融入於學生的繪本學習活動中,並進行教學實驗。研究對象為臺北市某國中31位八年級學生。透過準實驗研究法,本研究將學生分為實驗組(n=16)與控制組(n=15)。在知識創新原則的引導下,兩組學生的討論活動皆透過知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)來記錄他們在知識創新活動時的想法與思考歷程。\n\n教學設計方面,除了運用以想法為中心的知識創新原則為基礎並結合繪本教學活動外,也輔以威廉斯創造思考教學策略設計提問,來幫助學生發展多元想法。其中,實驗組學生主要透過「經驗學習圈」整合生活經驗並進行同理心的省思與討論,以建構相關知識概念與理解;控制組則只從繪本中進行自主反思,未使用「經驗學習圈」之鷹架引導。為達研究目的,本研究搜集以下資料:(1)知識論壇閱讀、修改、貼文紀錄;(2)繪本情境討論;(3)繪本內容省思;(4)同理心回應練習;(5)生活經驗調查問卷(同理心問卷);(6)學習感受問卷(自主學習能力問卷)。資料分析採敘述統計、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、共變數分析、及質性資料分析。\n\n根據分析結果,本研究的主要發現如下:(1)知識論壇活動指標如閱讀、修改、貼文紀錄等顯示兩組學生在每次的課程中,皆能善用平台進行同理心相關的討論活動;(2)實驗組的討論想法品質在「多元流暢的想法」、「改善精進的想法」、「內容想像性」等三面向上,皆明顯優於控制組;(3)實驗組較控制組更能產出實踐同理心的具體行動思維;(4)實驗組在同理心的「認知理解」、「情緒感受」及「反應傾向」等三項度上,也皆明顯優於控制組;以及(5)經驗學習圈鷹架的使用,有助於提昇學生在學習動機方面的自主學習感受。\n\n綜上所述,本研究認為聚焦於生活經驗反思的知識創新活動,在融入繪本教學後,能夠有效促進國中學生同理心的發展。實驗組的學生不僅在知識創新歷程上,能進行有效的互動與討論,並產生多元與改進的想法;且在知識創新結果上,也對於學生在同理心的認知與情緒發展方面有所助益。本研究根據研究發現提出相應的建議,以供未來同理心培育及相關研究之參考。
Empathy plays a crucial role in developing harmonious interpersonal relationship. To develop an effective pedagogy that fosters empathy among teenagers, this study integrated knowledge building principles into picture-book learning activities in an intervention experiment. Participants included 31 eighth-grade students from a junior high school in Taipei, Taiwan. Using a quasi-experimental design, the students were divided into an experimental group (n=16) and a control group (n=15). Under the guidance of knowledge building principles, both groups engaged in collaborative discussion in Knowledge Forum to work productively with their ideas while enhancing their thinking process via online knowledge building activities.\n\nRegarding instructional design, in addition to integrating the idea-centered knowledge building pedagogy with the learning activities about picture books, this study also utilized Williams` creative thinking teaching strategies to encourage in-class and online discussions to foster idea diversity. The experimental group was guided by the “experiential learning cycle” for their self-reflection and class discussion in order to develop concepts and understanding of empathy in relation to their life experiences. On the other hand, the control group only conducted self-reflection and class discussion about the picture books by themselves without the guidance of the “experiential learning cycle”. In order to achieve the research purpose, this study collected the following data: (1) online interaction records in Knowledge Forum; (2) discussion of the story plots related to the picture books; (3) reflection after reading the picture books; (4) empathetic response exercise; (5) an empathy related questionnaire; (6) learning experience questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test, ANCOVA, and qualitative analysis, etc.\n\nBased on the data analyses, the main findings were as follows: (1) the online activity indicators such as note-reading, -revising, and -posting showed that students from both groups were able to make good use of the Knowledge Forum platform to engage in empathy-related discussion in each class; (2) The quality of idea-centered discussion from the experimental group was found significantly better than that of the control group in terms of &quot; idea diversity and fluency&quot;, &quot;idea improvement&quot;, and &quot;content imagination&quot; (3) Compared with the control group, the experimental group was more likely to develop concrete action plans for translating empathy into practice; (4) The experimental group performed better than the control group in terms of the three aspects of empathy including &quot;cognitive understanding&quot;, &quot;emotional feeling&quot; and &quot;reaction tendency&quot; and (5) the students also had better self-directed learning experience and motivation with the guiding help of the experiential learning cycle.\n\nIn conclusion, knowledge building activities integrated with picture-book instruction with focus on life-experience reflection were able to successfully facilitate junior high school students’ empathy development. From a process perspective, knowledge building seemed to have encouraged students to better interact, discuss and generate diverse and improvable ideas, and from an outcome perspective, knowledge building also seemed to have enhanced the development of both cognitive and emotional empathy among students. Based on the above findings, some relevant suggestions for future studies in relation to the cultivation of empathy among junior high school students were discussed.
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