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題名: 心理師經營社群網站之自我揭露經驗探討
Counselors` experience of self-disclosure on the usage of social networking sites
作者: 鄭芷昀
Cheng, Chih-Yun
貢獻者: 陳婉真
Chen, Wan-Chen
Cheng, Chih-Yun
關鍵詞: 心理師
Social networking sites
Counseling relationship
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-Aug-2021
摘要:   隨心理師的職業型態演變,許多從業心理師選擇經營自費諮商,心理諮商專業逐漸進入自由競爭的市場,心理師自身遂成為行銷的「品牌」。跟上網路的發達以及社群網站的普及,愈來愈多心理師以專業身分經營公開的社群網站。\n\n  本研究旨在探討心理師經營社群網站的動機、文章自我揭露的決策與考量、社群網站與諮商工作的形象異同,以及經營社群網站對諮商關係造成的影響。本研究採質性方法,共招募四位經營社群網站之執業心理師為研究對象,進行個別研究訪談,透過主題分析法,對心理師經營社群網站的現場經驗形成歸納結論。研究結果如下:\n\n一、心理師經營社群網站之動機:(一)社群網站行銷個人品牌,可提升知名度。(二)心理師適度公開資訊可增加諮商關係信任度與適配性。\n\n二、社群網站自我揭露之考量與決策:(一)維護諮商當事人隱私,避免撰寫真實案例、明示保密原則。(二)撰寫文章須避免引發投射、對關係引發負面效應的內容。(三)維護心理師個人及親友之隱私。\n\n三、經營社群網站與專業工作之形象:(一)期待呈現兩者一致且專業的形象。(二)兩者呈現的形象仍有差異:(1)兩者表達與互動方式不同導致形象差異、(2)社群網站特性與心理師專業特質有差異、(3)社群網站以心理師為主體,諮商則以當事人為主體。\n\n四、社群網站影響諮商關係互動:(一)文章影響當事人對諮商關係的信任。(二)當事人透過文章理想化心理師與諮商效能。(三)文章促發當事人追問心理師的個人私事。\n\n  最後,根據研究結果,針對心理師經營社群網站與未來研究提出建議。
  Following the evolution of the professional occupation type of counselors, many employed counselors have turned to operate self-pay counseling services. As counselors gradually enter free market, they themselves have become the "brands" in marketing. Keeping up with the development of the Internet and the popularity of social networking sites, more and more counselors are operating social networking sites as professional practitioners.\n\n  This study aims to explore the counselors’ motivations for managing social networking sites; the decisions and considerations of self-disclosure in the articles; the similarities and differences in personal images between social networking sites and counseling work, and the impact of operating social networking sites on counseling relationships. This study applied qualitative research, a total of four counselors who operate social networking sites were recruited as research participants to conduct individual research interviews. Thematic analysis is adopted to analyze and compile the counselors’ on-site experiences of operating the social networking sites.\n\n  The results of the study are as follows:\n1. Motivation of counselors’ management of social networking sites: (1) Utilizing social networking site to promote personal brand and enhance the reputation. (2) Moderate disclosure of information of counselors increases the trust and suitability in counseling relationships.\n\n2. Considerations and decisions pertain to self-disclosure on social networking sites: (1) Avoid citing real cases and inform the principle of confidentiality to protect clients’ privacy. (2) Avoid content that triggers projection and negative effects on counselor-relationships. (3) Preserve the privacy of counselors per se and their relatives and friends.\n\n3. Counselors’ image in social networking site and counseling work: (1) Expectations of presenting a consistent and professional image in both. (2) Differences still exist in the image presented respectively: (I) The distinctive styles of expressions and interactions lead to different impressions of the image, (II) The characteristics of the social network are different from that of the counselors’ in their profession, (III) Social networking site is counselor-centered whereas counseling is client-centered.\n\n4. Social networking sites affect the counseling relationships and interactions: (1) Counselors’ articles affect the clients’ trust in the counseling relationships. (2) The clients idealize the counselors and counseling efficiency. (3) Counselors’ articles urge the clients to inquire about the matters of counselors` privacy.
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