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題名: 我國政府機關承辦人員在政策過程中之角色研究:基層官僚的分析觀點
Exploring the roles of officers-in-charge in policy process in Taiwan: the perspective of street-level bureaucracy
作者: 楊雅淋
Yang, Ya-Lin
貢獻者: 蘇偉業
So, Wai-Yip
Yang, Ya-Lin
關鍵詞: 承辦人員
Street-level bureaucrats
Street-level policy entrepreneurs
Policy process
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2021
摘要: 臺灣的公部門有一群「承辦人員」,他們與西方基層官僚有著高度相似的特質。國內外既有基層官僚的研究多聚焦於政策執行層次的討論,卻忽略了政策過程中的制度結構是影響基層官僚行為的重要變數,且基層官僚除了參與執行,也可能影響政策設計。國內既有研究未有從政策發展脈絡出發,藉此探究做為基層人員的政策承辦人員,在制度結構的影響下,如何採取行動以及回應其他政策參與者。本研究嘗試以政策承辦人員作為臺灣本土個案實證分析的對象,透過檢視政策個案的發展軌跡,瞭解承辦人員所在政策場域的制度結構,並探究承辦人員在政策過程中所扮演的角色功能,進一步與西方基層官僚研究對話。\n本研究採文獻分析法與深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,完整描繪臺北市政府四個創新政策個案:石頭湯計畫、田園城市計畫、北門街招計畫、臺北眾力方程式計畫,從政策形成到政策執行或終結的發展歷程,從而發現在公私協力關係下,承辦人員除對受託單位進行履約管理,還扮演資訊傳遞、跨機關溝通協調與資源連結等樞紐角色。雖然不直接在第一線進行服務輸送,但承辦人員透過一些基層管理行動,諸如轉譯計畫目標、動員協力夥伴、為受託執行單位與機關搭橋,甚至根據政策實務調整服務模式等方式間接回應民眾的需求,藉此辨識計畫的整體服務缺口。此外,本研究也發現在開放組織文化以及提案權力下放的治理結構下,做為基層人員的承辦人員可能扮演基層政策企業家的角色,成為政策變遷的推手。
Officers-in charge —individuals who are in charge of specific projects and occupy low- and middle-level positions within hierarchy in Taiwan—are most frequently characterized as implementers. However, there has been little investigation of how organizational condition and institutional settings affect the strategies that officers-in-charge exercise in their jobs throughout the policy process. As more street-level bureaucracy and street-level policy entrepreneurship studies imply that bureaucrats working at the street level are sometimes successful at influencing the design of policy, not just implementing it, we may expect the officers-in-charge in Taiwan to do so.\nTo explore the role of officers-in-charge in the policy process, this study draws on four policy programs under the Taipei City Government, combined with in-depth semi-structured interviews and documentary sources such as official documents and news reports. Findings reveal that in the public-private partnerships, officers-in charge manage contracting relationships and perform as boundary spanners. Their boundary spanning activities involve gathering or sharing information with the allies, building networks, and investing resources. Instead of engaging in direct public service delivery, officers-in-charge undertake the following functions: to mobilize contractors and other non-profit organizations, to reshape delivery arrangements to address implementation gaps identified on the ground, to help citizens articulate and meet their shared interests.\nWe also demonstrate that street-level policy entrepreneurs are significantly motivated by flexible and reflexive organizational cultures and less hierarchical administration which allows low-level officials easier access to policy design, which in turn enables officers-in-charge to engage in actions for policy change.
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