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題名: 從制度邁向文明:約翰彌爾的完善效益論
From Institution to Civilization: J. S. Mill`s Perfectionist Utilitarianism
作者: 李璿
Lee, Hsuan
貢獻者: 陳建綱
Lee, Hsuan
關鍵詞: 約翰.彌爾
J. S. Mill
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2021
摘要: 本文為約翰‧彌爾的政治思想提供了全面性的解析與討論。在自由主義與效益主義傳統的調和上,筆者從完善論的角度切入,提供了高貴情操與同情共感的理論線索,以此兼顧彌爾快樂主義與完善論的思想二元性;並從完善論的基礎出發,論證了個體性的欲求與達成即為最大幸福。這樣的關懷源於彌爾對於社會專政壓迫個體性的擔憂,尤其考量到商業文明與公共輿論對邪惡利益的助長;保障個體性進而確保最大幸福的達成也反映在他對政治制度的設計中。另一方面,彌爾長久以來被學界忽略的階段性史觀也深刻影響他對政治的想法;透過政治制度排除邪惡利益,並為人民提供道德教育,文明發展得以擺脫遲滯問題,邁向下一階段的進程。
This article offers a comprehensive interpretation and discussion of John Mill’s political philosophy. On the reconciliation of utilitarianism and liberalism tradition, I take a perfectionist point of view, offer the account of nobleness and sympathy to balance the binary of Mill’s hedonism and perfectionism; and from the perfectionist foundation, I argue that the desiring and achievement of individuality is maximizing happiness. The concern of individuality stems from Mill’s worry about social tyranny and the oppression it caused, especially the aggravation of sinister interest by commercial society and public opinion; securing individuality to achieve the maximum of happiness also reflects in his plans of political institution. On the other hand, Mill’s conception of history contains the idea of phases, which is long-neglected by the academic community, also deeply affects his thoughts on politics; excluding sinister interest and providing moral education for people via political institution, civilization would be able to cast off the stagnation, moving on to the next stage of development.
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