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題名: 青年行動不便者與手足的連結、照顧關係與離家考量
Sibling relationship, caregiving, and home-leaving for siblings with and without disabilities in young adulthood
作者: 陳昱維
Chen, Yu-Wei
貢獻者: 張恒豪<br>胡力中
Chang, Heng-Hao
Chen, Yu-Wei
關鍵詞: 手足關係
sibling relationship
siblings of people with disability
life span
leaving home
emerging adulthood
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2021
摘要: 青年離家是人生的重要歷程,除能夠更自由地探索人生,也有助於培養成年責任與能力。然而障礙手足雙方若欲離家獨立,則易因照顧需求而有不同的選擇考量。本研究探討行動不便者的手足如何權衡手足關係與離返家的選擇。研究方法以訪談八位成年學生受訪者,分別為四位肢體障礙者手足(非障礙者),以及四位肢體障礙者。\n研究發現當手足障礙程度越高,彼此生活及情感的連結越是強烈,也就對自己或手足的離家選擇焦慮。例如非障礙受訪者因長時間陪伴手足,又自視為未來照顧者,因此覺得生活自由受限而渴望逃離;相反的,緊密的情感使障礙者希望手足不離家、能共同生活,卻不影響他們自立生活的嘗試及追求。受訪的障礙手足對因學業、工作及婚姻而離家有不同看法,就學與婚姻被視作離家的正當理由,然而多數婚前工作階段並不特別追求離家,這與家庭責任、生活品質及經濟能力有關。\n多數受訪者雖於就學期間嘗試離家自主生活,然而缺乏無障礙環境及服務時,為了未來協助手足或顧及自身生活品質,不離家成為唯一選項,且必須連帶捨棄需要離家的夢想。可見社會環境是障礙手足離家的門檻,促進無障礙環境的落實,不僅有利於障礙者自立生活,手足也能夠追求理想生活,不再因為障礙而落入「奢望卻無法離家」的窘境。透過本研究可以認識障礙手足對彼此的情感,更進一步理解這段關係對生涯規劃的影響,補足了過往研究僅止於情感及量化方式的探討,且同時讓障礙手足雙方針對相同議題發聲。
Moving out of the parental home is a crucial phase for young adults, which allows them to not only explore their lives independently, but also promotes responsibility and ability. However, people with disabilities and their non-disabled siblings may face barriers driven by caring issues, which could make them hesitant to leave their parental home. This study explores how siblings with and without mobility disabilities in young adulthood evaluate their relationships, and this study conducted eight interviews, four interviewees with, and without disability.\nIt was found that, first, the more severe the extent of disability, the tighter the bond between siblings, and the greater the level of anxiety regarding independent living arrangements. For example, those who spend considerable time taking care of their siblings with disabilities, or consider themselves as future caregivers, may want to move out of their homes because they find care-giving a burden. Conversely, a loving personal relationship makes interviewees with disabilities prefer to live with their siblings. Second, interviewees consider study and marriage as legitimate excuses for moving out of their parental homes. However, when considering family responsibility, living quality and financial ability ,they prefer to live with their family after graduation and before marriage.\nAlthough most of the interviewees had left their home to study and lived in the dormitory, they had decided to continue living in their parental homes in the future. Owing to the lack of accessible social environment, many interviewees are forced to quit pursuing their achievement goals. Specifically, it is imperative to build an accessible social environment, that allows both siblings with and without disabilities to live independently and pursue their goals.\nMost of the studies on sibling relationships of people with disabilities in Taiwan have focused on people with mental disabilities. This study involves siblings with and without mobility disabilities, and employs the qualitative method, highlights the affection that interviewees have toward their siblings and the perception of an ideal life, as well as the influence on long-term planning of living arrangement. Furthermore, it demonstrates the importance of an accessible society. Those interviewees who have experienced caring issues have a stronger affection toward their siblings, and may not be able to move out of their parents’ home in the future.
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