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題名: 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 大流行對全球衛生安全之影響
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Health Security
作者: 許瑋玲
Hsu, Wei-Ling
貢獻者: 朱新民
Zhu, Xin-Min
Hsu, Wei-Ling
關鍵詞: COVID-19
non-traditional security
health security
vaccine struggle
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-九月-2021
摘要: 自冷戰架構崩解,「國家安全」的關注領域由傳統的政經軍外交領域,轉向非軍事性無法由國家武力所解決的「非傳統安全」問題。全球化現象使得各個國家之間的經濟交流、交通運輸變得極為緊密複雜。因此使得新興傳染病極易造成跨國的大流行。因此世界各國均將「衛生安全」列為國安層級之議題,並積極尋求跨國公衛防疫合作。\n本研究將運用線上資料及資料庫論文查詢進行。以社會科學質性研究方法為主,運用文獻分析法與歷史研究法進行討論。以COVID-19疫情為主軸探討流行性傳染病對全球與區域衛生安全的衝擊與影響。彙整並分析國際與臺灣的COVID-19防治措施之異同點,從中探討流行性傳染病對與區域衛生安全的衝擊與影響。\n藉由回顧過去一年多的疫情發展,可以觀察到衛生安全事件的跨區域性與強勁衝擊力。COVID-19全球疫情也顯現出全球衛生合作應對系統的不足,並受各國治理能力、機制、資源等方面的不同而難以構成一致的全球防疫策略。疫情也凸顯了WHO與《國際衛生條例2005》在制度設計上仍存在瑕疵。COVID-19全球疫情顯示的另一個重要意涵是醫藥衛生科技實力躍升為國防實力之一。COVID-19疫苗已轉化為新型態的戰略物資,世界各國的醫藥衛生實力可以帶動與保護自身的經濟與國際地位。\n此次COVID-19疫情對於臺灣來說,可能成為未來參加WHO提供助力。但因為國際上受到中國因素影響,所以在區域衛生部分必須思考如何突破。而臺灣目前正面臨社區傳播疫情的挑戰,本研究認為臺灣應調整防疫思維,由原本的「清零」轉變成「減害」。在疫苗部分,本研究較傾向外購疫苗、審慎考慮經國際認證中國製疫苗的引進、同時也發展國產疫苗產業三方面同步進行。\n隨著全球疫苗逐漸普及後,全球將於此次COVID-19疫情中重生。逐漸改善全球衛生安全體系的制度缺陷,提升全球衛生安全能量以應對下一次的突發性衛生安全威脅。
Since the collapse of the Cold War structure, the focus of "national security" has shifted from the traditional political, economic, military, and diplomatic fields to “non-traditional security” that cannot just be resolved by national military force. The phenomenon of globalization has made the economic exchanges and transportation between various countries extremely close and complicated. Therefore, emerging infectious diseases can easily cause transnational pandemics. Therefore, all countries in the world have listed "health security" as a national security-level issue, and actively seek transnational public health cooperation in epidemic prevention.\nThis research will be conducted using online data and database paper inquiries. Focus on the qualitative research methods of social sciences, and use the document analysis method and historical research method for discussion. Focusing on the COVID-19 epidemic, we will discuss the impact of the pandemic on global and regional health security. Collect and analyze the similarities and differences between international and Taiwanese COVID-19 prevention and control measures.\nBy reviewing the development of the epidemic in the past year, we can observe the cross-regional and strong impact of health security incidents. The COVID-19 global epidemic also shows the insufficiency of the global health cooperation response system, and it is difficult to form a consistent global epidemic prevention strategy due to differences in the governance capabilities, mechanisms, and resources of various countries. The epidemic also highlighted the flaws in the institutional design of WHO and IHR 2005. Another important implication of the COVID-19 epidemic is that the strength of medical and health science and technology has risen to one of the national defense capabilities. The COVID-19 vaccine has been transformed into a new type of strategic material, and the medical and health capabilities of countries around the world can drive and protect their own economic and international status.\nFor Taiwan, the COVID-19 epidemic may assist in participating in the WHO in the future. But because of the influence of China`s factors internationally, it is necessary to think about how to make breakthroughs in the regional health department. Taiwan is currently facing the challenge of spreading the epidemic in the community. This study believes that Taiwan should adjust its anti-epidemic thinking from the original "clearing" to "harm reduction." In the part of vaccines, this study is more inclined to purchase vaccines, carefully consider introducing Chinese vaccines with international certification, and develop the domestic vaccine industry simultaneously.\nWith the gradual spread of global vaccines, the world will be reborn in this COVID-19 epidemic. Gradually improve the institutional shortcomings of the global health security system, and enhance the global health security energy to deal with the next sudden health security threat.
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