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題名: 宜蘭縣立國民中學學校設施品質、學校組織氣氛與學生學習成效關係之研究
A study on the Relationships among the Quality of School Facilities, School Organizational Climate, and Student Learning Outcomes in Junior High School in Yilan County
作者: 蔡秀子
貢獻者: 湯志民
關鍵詞: 學校設施品質
Student learning outcomes
Quality of school facilities
School organizational climate
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2021
摘要: 本研究主要了解目前宜蘭縣學校設施品質、學校組織氣氛與學生學習成效之現況,以及分析不同背景變項下對學校設施品質、學校組織氣氛與學生學習成效的差異顯著情形,進一步探究學校設施品質、學校組織氣氛對學生學習成效的相關性,以及驗證三者間線性結構關係模式。本研究係以宜蘭縣108學年度縣立國民中學共24所作為研究母群體,以各校規模不同作為抽樣範圍,利用分層比例隨機抽樣方式以國民中學學校教育人員為研究對象,包括校長、主任及教師等等。研究使用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,透過信度分析、因素分析、敘述統計分析、差異分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元迴歸分析以及結構線性方程式等統計方法進行研究。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之結論如下:\n一、學校設施品質現況達中高程度,以「舒適的學校環境」評價最好。\n二、學校組織氣氛現況達中高程度,以「教學順暢」評價最好。\n三、學生學習成效現況達中高程度,以「學習滿意度」評價最好。\n四、依據職務、教育程度、服務年資以及學校規模的異同,對學校設施品質有不同的評價,「教師兼行政」、「學士」、「服務年資5年以下」以及「12班以下」的族群對於學校設施品質評價較高。\n五、依據年齡、職務、教育程度的異同,對學校組織氣氛有不同的評價,「50歲以上」、「教師兼行政」以及「學士」的族群對於學校組織氣氛評價較高。\n六、依據教育程度之異同對於學生學習成效有不同的評價,「博士」的族群對於學生學習成效評價較高。\n七、學校設施品質與學校組織氣氛成中度正相關,學校設施品質與學生學習成效成中度正相關,學校組織氣氛與學生學習成效呈中度正相關。\n\n八、宜蘭縣國民中學學校設施品質、學校組織氣氛對學生學習成效具有預測效果,以「良好的教學設施」的預測力最佳。\n九、學校設施品質、學校組織氣氛與學生學習成效的關係是有直接和間接效果,模式具有良好的適配度。\n本研究根據研究結果,提出具體結論與建議,做為日後學校設施規劃、學校組織氣氛營造、學生學習成效提升等教育政策制定以及未來相關研究之參考。
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the performances of following three aspects of the contemparary secondary schools in Yilan County,(1)The quality of school facilities, (2)School organization atmosphere, and (3)student learning outcomes. Also, it indicates the dominant groups over the variations of above three aspects under the analysis. Furthermore, it explores the correlations of mentioned three aspects and proves the model fitness by using structural equational modeling SEM. This study chooses 24 municipal secondary schools in Yilan County in 2019. The sampling scale is based on individual campus scales and the main research objects are principals, directors and teachers, etc. Then use stratified random sampling methods and adopt the questionnaire method to collect data. The collected data is analyzed by the statistic methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient stepwise regression analysis and structural equation model. According to the findings, it can be concluded as follows,\n1) The performance of the quality of school facilities indicates ‘medium-high’ level. Comfortable amenities are ranked highest.\n2) The outcome of school organizational atmosphere shows ‘medium-high’ level. A fluent teaching result is presented.\n3) The achievement of the student learning outcomes presents ‘medium-high’ level. It shows good satisfaction of student learning.\n4) According to individual’s position, education degree and tenure, the evaluation of the quality of school facilities varies. The sampling groups of the followings appraise higher satisfaction of school organizational atmosphere than others.\nA) Groups of objects who take administrative tasks,\nB) Groups of objects who own bachelor degrees,\nC) Groups of objects who serve less than five years,\nD) Schools which consistof less than 12 classes.\n5) Based on objects’ age, position and educational degree, the satisfactions of school organizational atmosphere vary. The sampling groups of followings provide a greater satisfaction than others.\nA) Objects’ age over 50,\nB) Objects with an additional administrative tasks,\nC) Objects who own bachelor degress.\n6) In accordance with objects’ educational degree, the comments of student learning outcomes differ. The sampling group of the ones with doctoral degree appraise the best.\n7) It presents moderate positive correlation between the quality of school facilities and school organizational atmosphere. Moderate positive correlation shows in the relations of the quality of school facilities and student learning outcomes. Furthermore, the moderate positive correlation exists in the interaction of school organizational atmosphere and student learning outcomes.\n8) The analysis conducts predictable outcomes, the better the quality of school facilities and school organizational atmosphere are, the better the student learning outcomes.\n9) The analysis represents the model is equipped with good model fitness and it has direct and indrect effects on the correlations of the quality of school facilities, school organizational atmosphere and the student learning outcomes.\nAccording to the research results, this study provides some useful conclusions and suggestions for researchers and practitioners. These suggestions can serve as references for practitioners to plan the layout of school facilities, build proper school organizational climate, and establish the policies for improving student learning performances.\nKey words: Quality of school facilities, school organizational climate, student learning outcomes
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