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dc.contributor.advisorLiu, Chang-Deen_US
dc.contributor.authorLo, Ying-Tzuen_US
dc.creatorLo, Ying-Tzuen_US
dc.description.abstractAs the first Taiwanese tennis player who had won the Grand Slam Championship Titles, and the Taiwanese female tennis record holder of the WTA ranking, the disputes among Su-Wei Hsieh and the other relative units (CTTA, Sports Administration, etc.) and the arguments came from her family had made the mass media image of her became rather negative. Nevertheless, Hsieh makes public speeches on her social media to strike back the controversies frequently.Therefore, this study cares how does the mass media represent Hsieh as a famous professional tennis player, and how does Hsieh show her self-identification and image through social media. By choosing some significant events of Hsieh’s career, this study collected the journals from the traditional media “United Daily News” and the internet media “ETtoday” during the time, and also the posts from Hsieh on her social media accounts, and the discussions on PTT tennis boards as the samples. With the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and the visual image analysis, this study tried to understand the discourse strategy of Taiwanese mass media while reporting female athletes. Concsidering the character of social media plays in the change of the communicative environment, the ways Hsieh presents herself as a female and as an athlete on social media are also being discussed to clarify whether the new media technology helps athletes to echo their voice in multiple ways.As result, the reason why mass media adopting the negative report strategy is that: a. since the hegemony of masculinity still controls the sports field, most mass media represents Hsieh with negativity because what Hsieh has done does not match the social expectations of females; b. people usually see athletes as “Heros,” yet Hsieh’s behaviors sometimes go different ways. With the celebrity and tabloid culture, the imagination of traditional heroic image has gone, the private life of athletes became the target of mass media. In comparison, the image of Hsieh which she presents on her social media is rather positive. She exhibits that professional women could still devote themselves to household duties, and she also builds a “by yourself/be yourself” image on social media, which is very different from the stereotypes of what women should be. The traditional characters of women such as “being gentle”, “submission” have now transferred to “success”, “self-confirm” throughout social media. Social media allows female athletes the opportunity to justify themselves. The issues of women, athletes, sports-politics, and social ideology are gradually stepping into public sights.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目次\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究緣起 1\n第二節 研究背景 3\n壹、臺灣網球發展簡史 3\n貳、臺灣女子網球簡史 9\n第三節 研究目的 14\n壹、網球與我 14\n貳、謝淑薇之於臺灣網球、運動、與社會 15\n參、謝淑薇之於臺灣女網、女子運動、與性別 17\n第二章 文獻探討 19\n第一節 運動、網球、與女性 19\n壹、運動與女性 19\n貳、網球中的女性 23\n第二節 運動英雄主義與名人文化 26\n壹、運動英雄 27\n貳、運動名人 32\n第三節 運動員與社群媒體 34\n壹、運動員與媒體再現 34\n貳、女性運動員的社群媒體使用 36\n第三章 研究問題與方法 40\n第一節 研究問題 40\n壹、運動與女性 40\n貳、運動英雄與名人 41\n第二節 研究方法 43\n壹、資料蒐集 44\n貳、分析方法 48\n第四章 資料分析 54\n第一節 大眾媒體再現 54\n壹、家庭下的女性運動員角色 54\n貳、女性運動名人與「壞」女孩謝淑薇 60\n第二節 社群媒體再現 66\n壹、家庭與伴侶關係 67\n貳、女性運動名人社群媒體展演 79\n參、國族之下的運動名人展演與網路民意 87\n第五章 結論與建議 96\n第一節 結論 96\n壹、大眾媒體「下」的謝淑薇 96\n貳、社群媒體「上」的謝淑薇 98\n參、研究發現與討論 100\n第二節 研究限制與建議 104\n壹、貼近更真實的樣貌 104\n貳、多元討論、眾聲喧嘩 105\n參考文獻 107\n一、中文文獻 107\n二、英文文獻 112zh_TW
dc.format.extent7238077 bytes-
dc.subjectSports and Sexualityen_US
dc.subjectRepresentations of mass mediaen_US
dc.subjectRepresentations of social mediaen_US
dc.subjectFemale autonomyen_US
dc.subjectSelf-exhibition of celebrityen_US
dc.titleThe Wild Girl: Representations of Taiwanese Tennis Player Su-Wei Hsieh in Mass Media and Social Mediaen_US
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