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題名: 奉主耶穌聖名禱告:回應蔡麗貞〈真耶穌教會的聖靈觀〉
作者: 葉先秦
Iap, SianGchin
貢獻者: 華人文化主體性研究中心
關鍵詞: 自立教會 ;  獨一神論五旬節派 ;  基督中心論 ;  真耶穌教會 ;  聖靈
 independent church ;  oneness pentecostals ;  christocentric ;  the True Jesus Church ;  Holy Spirit
日期: Jun-2017
上傳時間: 27-Oct-2021
摘要: 由華人自立的真耶穌教會創立已屆百年,然而對漢語基督教界而言,該會至今仍是個他者性十足的信仰團體,並且常成為護教學或「別異教派」議題的研討對象。真耶穌教會在教義上備受質疑之處,無非是方言為救恩憑據以及對傳統三一神論的拒斥態度。蔡麗貞教授多年前的〈真耶穌教會的聖靈論〉一文,是少數較為聚焦於該會神論問題予以回應的論著。然而對五旬節派和真耶穌教會的刻板印象,以及護教學進路的前設,另一方面對該會初創時的歷史脈絡認識不夠完整,使得蔡文無法跳脫既有論述真耶穌教會的框架。因而會從「型態神格唯一論」的舊範式去批判該會神論,又作出該會為「聖靈中心論」的片面理解。本文擬藉回應蔡文,嘗試按對話和理解的角度,評析真耶穌教會的神論。從當年影響該會神論的獨一神論五旬節派的起源,及其教義論述著手,避免某種去脈絡化的認識。
The True Jesus Church (TJC), which is an independent denomination established by Chinese has celebrated its centenary. Yet, TJC has appeared to be "the other" in Chinese Christianity, thus becoming an object that is being discussed in Apologetics or studies of heresy. There are some controversial issues in TJC, of which the most debated include speaking in tongues as one of the requisites for salvation and the negative attitude towards the traditional trinitarian doctrine. Anne Tsai, a female theologian from China Evangelical Seminary, worked on the related issues in her essay titled "On Pneumatology of the True Jesus Church," which could be considered to be one of only a few works that brought focus onto the doctrine of Godhead of the TJC. However, that her essay is still positioned within the framework TJC has been discussed. This is mainly due to the stereotype perspective of TJC and Pentecostalism, and the understanding from an Apologetic view, plus her inadequate knowledge of the historical context of the TJC`s earliest days. Therefore, she carried out her criticism of the TJC`s doctrine of God from within an old paradigm of "monarchianism," which led to a one-sided understanding that the TJC holds a pneumacentric view. This essay will try to review the TJC`s oneness doctrine in accordance with the context of the origins of oneness pentecostalism that once influenced the former, and also try to engage in a dialogue with its doctrine of Godhead rather than being apologetic.
關聯: 台灣神學論刊, 44, 135-160
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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