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dc.contributor.advisorChiang, Yu-Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorCHANG, YUNG-TINGen_US
dc.creatorCHANG, YUNG-TINGen_US
dc.description.abstractReflecting the convergence and divergence between law and literature, this paper attempts to interpret Goethe`s Faust from an allegorical perspective. In other words, the study reads Faust as an allegory of law. The main argument is: the Devil is summoned by Faust’s desire and this desire in return propels him. In this regard, Mephistopheles, the Devil in Faust, could be perceived as representation of modern law, while Faust symbolizes the man who has to realize his needs through law. Secondly, this study claims Faust is also a text of Sorge. In the first part of the tragedy, Faust`s Sorge derives from his unquenchable desires, on which occasion the Devil (the law) makes his debut. Faust also constantly relies on the Devil to satisfy his desires, eventually leading him to disorientation and even assimilation of the Devil within himself. Law fulfills our needs, but makes us even less free from our desires. In the second part of the tragedy, Faust went blind because of the personified Sorge, signifying that we are blind to these paradoxes of the law. The paper thus reads Sorge as a critique of modern legal order.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents前言 1\n第一章 緒論 5\n第一節 作者生平 6\n第二節 文本簡介 8\n第三節 研究問題 12\n第四節 法律寓意 15\n第二章 雙重約定—法律的誕生 19\n第一節 天堂序曲 20\n第二節 魔鬼契約 23\n第三章 瑪加蕾特劇—法律如何滿足人的需求 31\n第一節 浮士德追求瑪加蕾特 32\n第二節 瑪加蕾特受刑 36\n第四章 梅菲斯特與海倫—法律與正義 40\n第一節 皇帝命令浮士德召喚海倫 41\n第二節 浮士德至古希臘尋找海倫 45\n第三節 海倫審判林叩斯 48\n第四節 海倫幻滅 55\n第五章 填海造陸—法律如何維繫秩序 59\n第一節 浮士德獲得海濱封地 60\n第二節 鮑西斯與菲利蒙葬身火海 64\n第六章 憂愁迴旋往復—法律的弔詭 67\n第一節 憂愁回訪浮士德 68\n第二節 《浮士德》中的憂愁 72\n第三節 歌德的憂愁與其法律思想 75\n第七章 尾聲—我能否與法律和解 77\n第一節 浮士德死亡 78\n第二節 永恆的女性 81\n第三節 宜人的佳境 87\n第四節 從《浮士德》反思法律 90\n第八章 結論 93\n參考文獻 95zh_TW
dc.format.extent3454655 bytes-
dc.subjectlaw and literatureen_US
dc.titleFaust’s Care—Reflecting on the Law from the Perspective of Allegoryen_US
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