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題名: 國民中學校長學習領導、學校社會資本與學校效能關係之研究
The Rearch of Principle Study Leadhips"s effect thorugh Social Capital on School effetiveness.
作者: 江俊儀
貢獻者: 秦夢群
關鍵詞: 學習領導
Study Leaderhip
Social Capital
School Effectivness
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-十一月-2021
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解目前我國國民中學校長學習領導、學校社會資本與學校效能的現況,分析不同背景變項之教師知覺校長學習領導、學校社會資本與學校效能之差異情形,並嘗試建構上述三組變項間之結構方程模型,及驗證學校社會資本的中介效果。\n研究方法採問卷調查法,經統計檢定顯示問卷具有良好信、效度。以臺北市、新北市與基隆市公立國民中學之現任正式教師為母群體,分層隨機抽取45所學校,發出630份問卷,回收588份,回收率為93%,其中有效問卷為563份,可用率為89%。並進行描述分析、平均數差異分析、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模型檢定及中介效果檢驗。獲致結論如下:\n\n一、教師對校長學習領導的知覺屬中上程度,以「促進教師專業」感受表現最佳。教師對校長學習領導的知覺程度會因「性別」、「在校年資」、「職務」與「學校規模」之不同而有顯著差異。以教師「男性」、「在校21年以上」、「兼任行政」與「中型學校」之知覺程度顯著較高。\n二、教師對學校社會資本的知覺屬中上程度,以「關係構面」感受表現最佳。教師對學校社會資本的知覺程度會因「性別」、「在校年資」、「職務」、「學校規模」與「校長性別」之不同而有顯著差異。以教師「男性」、「在校21年以上」、「兼任行政」、「中型學校」與「男性校長」之知覺程度顯著較高。\n三、教師對學校效能的知覺屬中上程度,以「學生學習表現」感受最佳。教師對學校效能的知覺程度會因「性別」、「在校年資」、「職務」與「學校規模」、「校長性別」之不同而有顯著差異。以教師「男性」、「21年以上」、「兼任行政」、「中型學校」與「男性校長」之知覺程度顯著較高。\n四、校長學習領導、學校社會資本與學校效能的結構方程模型適配度良好。\n五、校長學習領導會透過學校社會資本間接影響學校效能,學校社會資本具有完全中介效果。\n\n最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,俾供學校教育人員與未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this research is to understand the current state of learning leadership, school social capital, and school effectiveness of school principals in national secondary schools in my country, analyze the differences in teacher perception of principals’ learning leadership, school social capital, and school effectiveness in different background variables, and try to construct the above three groups Structural equation model between variables, and verify the intermediary effect of school social capital.\nIn the research method, the questionnaire survey method is adopted, and the questionnaire is compiled according to the literature and related scales. Taking the current official teachers of public schools in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung City as the mother group of the research, 45 schools were randomly selected in stratification, 630 questionnaires were sent out, and 588 were returned. The recovery rate was 93.3%, of which the valid questionnaire was 563. The availability rate is 89.3%. The conclusions of this research are as follows:.\n\n1. The current state of public junior high school teachers` perception of the principal`s learning leadership is at an intermediate to upper level, and the performance of "promoting teacher professionalism" is the best. Teachers’ perception of the principal’s learning leadership will vary significantly depending on the “teacher gender”, “teacher’s seniority in school”, “teacher position” and “school size”. "Male teachers", "21 years or more", "part-time administrative teachers" and "medium-sized schools" have significantly higher levels of awareness.\n2. The current state of public junior high school teachers` perception of school social capital is at an intermediate to upper level, and the "relationship dimension" performs best. Teachers` perception of school social capital will vary significantly depending on the "teacher gender", "teacher`s years of schooling", "teacher position", "school size" and "principal gender". "Male teachers", "21 years or more", "part-time administrative teachers", "male principals" and "medium-sized schools" have significantly higher levels of awareness.\n3. The current state of public junior high school teachers` perception of school effectiveness is at an intermediate to upper level, and the feeling of "student performance" is the best. Teachers’ perception of school effectiveness will vary significantly depending on the “teacher gender”, “teacher’s years in school”, “teacher position” and “school size”. "Male teachers", "21 years or more", "part-time administrative teachers", "male principals" and "medium-sized schools" have significantly higher levels of awareness.\n4. The structural equation model of learning leadership, school social capital and school effectiveness of the National High School has a good fit.\n5. The Principal Learning Leadership of National High Schools will indirectly affect school effectiveness through school social capital, and school social capital has a completely intermediary effect.\n\nFinally, based on the results of this research, specific suggestions are put forward for the reference of school educators and related research in the future.
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