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題名: 台灣第三部門青年教育創業者之生命口述傳記研究
The Narrative Biographical Research of the Third Sector Youth Educational Entrepreneurs in Taiwan
作者: 陳蔚
Chen, Wei
貢獻者: 倪鳴香
Ni, Ming-Shiang
Chen, Wei
關鍵詞: 第三部門
The third sector
Educational entrepreneurs
Biography research
Narrative interview
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-Nov-2021
摘要: 本研究關注到近年來台灣教育創業興起之現象,在探尋台灣社會環境中青年如何成為第三部門教育創業者的研究意圖下,採生命口述傳記研究取徑,以敘述訪談法採集7位台灣第三部門教育創業者的生命口述傳記。參照德國社會學者Fritz Schütze(1987)的理論建構分析方案,選擇其中3個個案之口述傳記文本進行解讀詮釋,闡釋出「回歸教育本質的教育創業之路」、「核心關懷浮現的教育創業之路」、「自我證明的教育創業之路」三類教育創業者角色形成歷程。在這些歷程中發現教育創業者正負向皆有的家庭教育經驗、學校教育經驗與教育工作經驗,與其成為教育創業者的生命選擇之間形成關聯,教育成為個體生命的重要命題,在不同生命境況下與社會化過程中習得的創業概念交織形成教育創業意向,在2015年前後經濟總體復甦、創業環境鼓勵以及政府民間共同訴求教育創新的社會因緣下,個體相應開展教育創業行動。研究進一步探討成為教育創業者的核心生命運轉機制:起於生命主體在外部條件影響下,主體內在教育倫理危機顯化,開啟以教育創業為途徑的教育轉化行動。個體經由自我賦權尋企對教育環境限制的掙脫、超越,在個人社會性與主體性的動態平衡下達成兼具主體創造與社會關懷的自我實現,陶養出成為教育創業者的生命意涵。
This study paid attention to the emerging education entrepreneurial phenomenon in Taiwan in recent years. It examined the oral biographies of the educational institutions` founders in the third sector to investigate the biographical experiences of youth Taiwanese educational entrepreneurs. The method of data collection was the narrative interview.\n\nReferring to the model of analysis of theoretical construction by German sociologist Fritz Schütze (1987), this research analyzed oral biographies of three cases and interpreted their symbolic universe. They were motivated to become educational entrepreneurs: (1)as a result to find the education essence; (2)due to the emerge of the core concern; (3)for continuous self-testifying. The findings indicated the relationship among educational experiences, social environmental factors, and the role formation of the educational entrepreneurs.\n\nThis study further explored the life mechanism of becoming the educational entrepreneur: personal internal education ethical crisis manifested by the influence of external conditions which provided the opportunity to initiate the education transformation action through education entrepreneurship. The creative and social-care educational entrepreneurship launched by youth Taiwanese contained the significances of overcoming the realities restrictions and achieved themselves.
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資料類型: thesis
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