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題名: 俄國綠色經濟 : 最佳可行技術政策
Russia`s Green Economy : The Policy of Best Available Techniques
作者: 董靜樺
Tung, Ching-Hua
貢獻者: 魏百谷
Tung, Ching-Hua
關鍵詞: 綠色經濟
Green economy
Best available techniques
Energy efficiency
Process technology
Sustainable development
Environmental protection
Policy formulation
Pollution emission
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-十一月-2021
摘要: 經濟環境友善,是時下的重要議題,而經濟活動中的製程技術更與之息息相關。本研究旨在探討能源稟賦國─俄羅斯,其綠色經濟發展現況,與最佳可行技術政策(以下簡稱BAT)之立法與執行。本研究採用文獻分析法,並以2007年,俄國訂定「國家環境日」之時點為分界,進行前後差異比對,利用量化數據與質化成果為整體之論述。\n\n首先,經由資料數據蒐集,採用俄國碳排放量、GDP能源強度,以及該國耗能產業之占比等,進行交互分析。針對歷年數據觀之,俄國碳排放量及GDP能源強度,與他國相比僅能望其項背,在近期只有微幅進步,而在2007年後,無明顯差異。另質化部分,綠色經濟環境則明顯得到改善,政府態度趨於積極,更在2021年6月通過《限制溫室氣體排放及引入碳報告之法案》。為激勵企業轉型,政府提供相關稅賦優惠措施,金融環境面,則針對企業在提升能效與環保行動上,予以貸款優惠及發行綠色債券,並且將CSR指標納入貸款評估。整體而言,俄國就轉型至綠色經濟領域,較以往更為友善。\n\n接著,將俄國BAT政策分為兩部份討論。第一為政策立法過程,從中,可觀察到俄國政治領導力及利益團體,對政策產生之影響。 BAT政策之最終定案,有關政策過渡期、規範客體以及技術標準等,皆明顯放寬。第二,政策成效部分,以俄國熱電BAT─參考文件38號為個案說明,該技術標準雖汰換部份老舊設施,協助產業升級,但與國際新興技術仍存有差距,尚須調整更新。由於歐盟BAT被多國參考採用,因此俄國在推行政策過程中,增加了國際交流與合作機會,此舉將有助於提升其國際影響力。
Developing an environmentally friendly economy is an important issue nowadays, with which process technology in economic activities is considered closely associated. This study aims to explore the green economy development status of Russia, a country with a rich endowment of energy, and analyze the legislation and implementation of its Best Available Techniques (BAT) policy. Using the literature analysis method, this study compares the changes of Russia before and after the establishment of the “National Environment Day” in 2007 and conducts the overall exposition with quantitative data and qualitative results.\n\nFirst, with the data collected, an interactive analysis is made of the items including Russia’s carbon emissions, GDP energy intensity, and the proportion of energy-consuming industries. Historical data revealed that in terms of carbon emissions and GDP energy intensity, Russia was still placed way down the list compared with other countries, with slight progress secured, and that the situation was not found to have a significant improvement after 2007. Qualitatively, the green economic environment had been remarkably improved and the government’s attitude turned to be active. What’s more, the Russian government passed the “Law on the Restriction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Introduction of Carbon Reporting” in June 2021. To encourage enterprises to transform, the government has developed relevant tax incentives. In terms of financing, the government grants enterprises green bonds and loan incentives in support of their energy efficiency improvement and environmental protection actions, and incorporates their CSR indicators into loan appraisal. Overall, Russia`s environment is more friendly than before in its transition to a green economy.\n\nNext, this study discusses Russia’s BAT policy on two aspects. The first is the policy legislative process, from which the influence of Russian political leadership and interest groups on the policy can be observed. It can be seen that the final BAT policy was evidently softened in terms of the policy transition period, regulated objects, and technical standards. The second is about policy effectiveness, exemplified by Russian Thermal Power BAT-Reference Document No. 38. Although this technical standard requires the replacement of old facilities and provides assistance in industrial upgrading, it still has a gap between international emerging technology standards and needs to be modified and updated. Moreover, since the EU BAT has been used as a reference by many countries, Russia has increased the opportunities for international exchanges and cooperation in policy implementation, which is expected to enhance its international influence.
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