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題名: 刺激還是悠閒?從冒險遊憩網站呈現內容看消費者的風險認知、刺激尋求對遊憩態度及行為意圖的影響
Seeking Excitement or Leisure? Recreation Attitudes and Behavioral Intention under the Influence of Consumers’ Sensation-seeking and Risk Perception from Contents of the Adventure Recreation Website
作者: 朱怡亭
Chu, Yi-Ting
貢獻者: 張卿卿
Chang, Ching-Ching
Chu, Yi-Ting
關鍵詞: 冒險遊憩
Adventure Recreation
Adventure Recreation promotion
Risk Perception
Sensation Seeking
Recreation Attitude
Behavior Intention
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-十一月-2021
摘要: 近年來,冒險遊憩逐漸成為國人休閒娛樂的考量之一,然而過往少有研究將主題延伸至冒險遊憩的推廣,因此本研究著重於探討冒險遊憩推廣內容對於消費者的影響,以「冒險遊憩網站中呈現的刺激或悠閒內容」做為自變項,試圖影響「消費者的風險認知」、「遊憩態度」及「行為意圖」,並探討「刺激尋求」在這當中的調節作用。\n本研究採2(冒險遊憩網站活動項目:泛舟/獨木舟)x2(冒險遊憩網站呈現內容:刺激/悠閒)之雙因子研究設計,將所有受試者隨機分派至四種情境中,並以18-24歲的年輕族群作為研究對象,一共蒐集了379份有效樣本。研究結果發現,當冒險遊憩網站呈現的內容越刺激,消費者的風險認知會越高,進而導致遊憩態度降低,行為意圖也跟著降低,顯示年輕族群並不偏好高風險活動。總結來說,年輕族群在選擇冒險活動時仍然是以安全為主要的考量,冒險遊憩網站若是想吸引多數人的參與意願,應採悠閒的策略較佳。
“Adventure Recreation” has gradually developed into one of the most popular domestic leisure activities in recent years. However, research about “Adventure Recreation” hasn`t grown with the trend yet in the academic circle. The purpose of this study is to illuminate how different ways of promotion of “Adventure Recreation” influence consumers’ perception and motivation. The independent variable in this study is “sensational or recreational elements that an Adventure Recreation Website offers to its customers.” This independent variable is applied to see how it interacts with “Customers’ Risk Perception,” “Recreation Attitude,” and “Behavior Intention” with “Sensation Seeking” as the moderation effect.This research conducted an experiment by 2(Adventure Recreation activities: rafting vs. canoeing) x2 (Adventure Recreation website presents to its customers: sensation vs. recreation) between-subjects design. Questionnaires were distributed to people ranging between the ages of 18 to 24 and 379 of them were valid. All the participants of the research were randomly divided into four scenarios. The finding of the research indicated that a higher “Risk Perception” is confirmed when an Adventure Recreation website presents more sensational elements. The result also leads to a lower “Recreation Attitude” and “Behavior Intention.” In the other words, the research found that high-risk activities are not favored by the young generation. All in all, when it comes to different types of Adventure Recreation activities, safety remains the major factor for the young generation. Therefore, when an Adventure Recreation Website wants to attract more customers, it is advisable to build out a recreation marketing strategy which provides their target audience with more relaxing and recreational programs or events.
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