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題名: 生物辨識邊境管理系統設計之期望落差探討
Investigating Expectation Disconfirmation on Biometric Recognition System Design for Border Management
作者: 林逸塵
Lin, I-Chen
貢獻者: 洪為璽<br>季延平
Hung, Wei-Hsi<br>Chi, Yan-Ping
Lin, I-Chen
關鍵詞: 生物辨識系統
Biometric recognition system
Design science research methodology
Border control
E-service quality
Expectation disconfirmation
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 1-Dec-2021
摘要: 隨著各國邊境旅運量迅速成長,在邊境安全與通關服務造成挑戰,利用資訊科技執行邊境管理成為趨勢,故瞭解使用者對於資訊科技的期望落差,在達成邊境任務至為關鍵。在智慧通關場域,生物辨識邊境管理系統優化既有查驗工作,在旅客到達查驗檯前進行生物特徵採擷,透過生物特徵資料庫進行比對,輔助邊境人員正確識別旅客身分,以資訊科技取得保障國家安全與通關便利的效果。本研究探討生物辨識技術應用在邊境管理資訊系統服務品質,以設計科學方法建置指紋生物特徵辨識系統時,指紋擷取與比對流程能滿足邊境人員與旅客使用需要。更進一步,本研究以我國查驗作業整合生物辨識科技之情境,來探討資訊人員、邊境人員與委外廠商不同角色對於電子化服務品質認知程度,並以層級分析法蒐集生物辨識邊境管理系統設計之期望落差,系統電子化服務品質構面包含:「效率」、「系統可用性」、「履行性」、「隱私與安全性」、「回應性」、「網站設計」,針對不同角色,進行AHP問卷調查。從整體認知的服務品質權重觀點,本研究發現資訊人員與邊境人員前三大期望落差為「保護旅客基本資料(3.4%)」、「保護旅客的特種個人資訊(3.2%)」及「不會當機(3.0%)」,而資訊人員與委外廠商前三大期望落差為「即時處理使用者問題(3.2%)」、「系統提供的資訊是可信賴的(2.9%)」及「不會當機(2.5%)」。以上經由資深資訊人員的深度訪談,歸納出落差因素為「專業差異」、「責任差異」、「認知差異」、「自我特性差異」及「目的差異」,未來利害關係人透過落差因素進行充分溝通,可以縮小彼此落差程度,讓系統整體服務品質更符合使用者期望,進而增加使用系統的滿意度。
Rapidly increasing traveler traffic has burdened border security and clearance service. Therefore, assisting border guards and travelers to carry out sustainable border strategies with information technology (IT) is becoming crucial. The key of such a strategy is centered on the interaction between IT and user characteristics. When travelers arrive at the border, the system will compare a live biometric sample of a traveler against images of them obtained from the database for border control. The system offers a solution to balance the convenience of passengers and the role of inspectors. This research explores the needs of identification derived from border management using design science research methodology to implement a fingerprint system. The expectation disconfirmation among IT staff, outsourcing contractors and border guards on e-service quality are investigated. The constructs of e-service quality include &quot;efficiency&quot;, &quot;system availability&quot;, &quot;fulfilment&quot;, &quot;privacy and security&quot;, &quot;responsiveness&quot;, and &quot;website design&quot;. This research adopts the AHP questionnaire to study the expectation disconfirmation among different roles. The top three expectation disconfirmations (IT staff vs. border guard) are &quot;protecting personal information (3.4%)&quot;, &quot;protecting special personal information (3.2%)&quot;, and &quot;no system crash (3.0%)&quot;. The expectation disconfirmations (IT staff vs. outsourcing contractor) are &quot;handling of user problems in real-time (3.2%)&quot;, &quot;the reliable information provided by the system (2.9%)&quot;, and &quot;no system crash (2.5%)&quot;. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three senior IT staff. The major disconfirmation factors are &quot;professional differences&quot;, &quot;responsibility differences&quot;, &quot;cognitive differences&quot;, &quot;characteristics of the self-concept differences&quot;, and &quot;purpose differences&quot;. It is necessary to pay more attention to the expectation disconfirmation of e-service quality in order to increase user satisfaction on the system.
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資料類型: thesis
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