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題名: 金融科技在資產管理領域的創新應用
The Innovative Applications of Asset Management by FinTech
作者: 林宗逸
Lin, Zong-Yi
貢獻者: 王儷玲
Wang, Li-Ling
Lin, Zong-Yi
關鍵詞: 金融科技
Asset Management
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 3-一月-2022
摘要: 金融海嘯後,散戶投資人對於資產管理的需求改變,發展出賦權投資者的觀念,希望在投資過程中可以更有參與感,拿回主導權,也要求享受適合度更高、更便宜、更有效率的產品服務,帶動著整個產業產品服務的發展。\n為了達成投資人的目標,在流程外部化之下,傳統金融機構專心發展核心業務,將部分服務外包給金融科技業者,藉由API鑲嵌彼此的產品服務。數位化服務已經成為主流,藉由線上的方式,可以推出更即時、方便、快速的服務,以便將觸手延伸到各式各樣的消費者。\n隨著金融科技的發展,資產管理業者能夠開發出更多元化的產品,以滿足投資人。搭配開放金融的發展,讓資產管理業者更能了解投資人的全貌,推薦最適合的產品服務。相輔相成之下,資產管理業者得以推出全自動服務,從分析投資人資訊開始,到投資組合的建置與全天候監管,並能夠自動依照情況進行再平衡,以創造更好的表現。\n除此之外,去中心化金融的發展也越發快速,藉由去中心化的特性,人們可以實現更快速地P2P應用。不論是購買基金、保險、交易資產等。利用分離式的技術,將資料的所有權進行分散,促使每位使用者人人平等,擁有相同的權限,藉由大家共同紀錄,確保資訊不容易被篡改,維持著交易的運行。\n本研究最後提出數點政策建議,包括降低自動再平衡門檻與限制與加速投資人資訊整合服務;與產業建議,包括加強自動化服務推動普惠金融、促進金融機構與金融科技業者合作與提升研發能力推出多元創新產品服務,希望台灣資產管理產業能夠發展地更好。
After the 2008 financial crisis, retail investors’ demand for asset management has changed, and they have developed the concept of empowering investors.\nIn order to achieve their goals, under processes externalization, traditional financial institutions focus on developing core businesses, outsourcing some services to FinTech companies, and embed each other’s products and services with APIs. The digital services provided have become mainstream. With online channel, more convenient and faster services can be launched to extend to all tranches of consumers.\nIn addition, the development of DeFi is getting faster and faster. With the characteristics of decentralization, people can realize faster P2P applications. Whether it is buying funds, insurance, trading assets, etc. Distributed ledger technology is used to decentralize the ownership of data, so that every user is equal and has the same authority. With everyone`s record, it ensures that the information is immutable and maintains the operation of the transactions.\nIn the end, this research puts forward several policy recommendations, including lowering the threshold and restrictions of automatic rebalancing, and accelerating investor information integration services; and industry recommendations, including strengthening automated services to promote financial inclusion, promoting cooperation between financial institutions and FinTechs, and improving R&D capabilities to launch diversified innovative products and services.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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