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題名: 烏克蘭國族認同演變之研究
A Study on The Evolution of Ukrainian National Identity
作者: 櫻井恒平
Sakurai, Kohei
貢獻者: 林永芳
Lin, Yung-Fang
Kohei Sakurai
關鍵詞: 烏克蘭
National Identity
Identity Politics
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 3-一月-2022
摘要: 無論是國家之間或是國家內部,國族認同(national identity)都是21世紀政治秩序與民族政治的核心,對烏克蘭而言更是如此。自從蘇聯瓦解後,該國嘗試與俄羅斯保持距離。然而,烏克蘭和俄羅斯卻因兩國之間的歷史恩怨以及語言和宗教方面的差異而陷入衝突局面,而所有這些問題的根源主要來自於烏克蘭人民的國族認同分歧。\n\n烏克蘭擁有極其複雜的歷史,從基輔羅斯(Kievan Rus’)時期到當代主權獨立時期,該國一直被不同政權所統治。在漫長的歷史演進過程中,烏克蘭國族認同也經歷了從無到有的轉變。蘇聯時期,烏克蘭國族認同受到蘇聯民族語言政策與烏克蘭民族主義的交互影響,以致於造就東西部意識形態的差距。後共時期,烏克蘭開始國族建構的進程,但該國社會在國族認同的問題上仍維持著高度分裂。再者,執政菁英的無能為力也導致了公民革命與公民運動的發生。儘管烏克蘭近年以來的公共話語中仍存在爭議議題,國族認同正邁向穩定發展。\n\n本文採用了社會建構理論、社會認同理論以及歷史制度主義的理論架構來分析烏克蘭國族認同在不同時期的演變。本文也嘗試探討烏克蘭國族認同的未來發展方向的拉動因素。
National identity is central to the political order and ethnic politics, whether between states or within a state, in the twenty-first century; this is, especially evident in the case of Ukraine. The country has attempted to distance itself from Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, Ukraine and Russia share a conflictual relationship due to historical grievances and, linguistic, and religious differences, and all of these issues are primarily rooted in a split in the national identity held by people in Ukrainian.\n\nUkraine has a complex history; it had been under the rule of various regimes from the era of the Kievan Rus` until its independence from Soviet Union. Over the course of this long history, Ukrainian national identity in Ukraine has evolved from nothing to something. During the Soviet era, national identity in Ukraine was influenced by the interaction between the Soviet nationality policy and Ukrainian nationalism, resulting in an ideological gap between the eastern and western regions of Ukraine. In the post-Soviet era, Ukraine began the process of nation-building, but Ukrainian society remains highly divided regarding questions of national identity. Furthermore, the ineptitude of Ukraine’s ruling elite has led to civic revolutions and movements. Nonetheless, although controversies remain in recent Ukrainian public discoure, national identity is stabilizing.\n\nThis paper adopts the theoretical frameworks of social construction theory, social identity theory, and historical institutionalism to analyze the evolution of Ukrainian national identity over various historical periods. This paper also explores factors that pull in different directions with regard to the future development of Ukrainian national identity.
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