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題名: 2000年後的新加坡軍事變革
The Military Changes of Singapore After 2000
作者: 王光磊
Wang, Kuang-Lei
貢獻者: 黃奎博
Huang, Kwei-Bo
Wang, Kuang-Lei
關鍵詞: 新加坡
Singapore Armed Forces
Military transformation
Organizational isomorphism
日期: 2011
上傳時間: 3-一月-2022
摘要: 摘要\n 新加坡臨近重要航道麻六甲海峽,在全球戰略地位極為重要,但該國面積狹小,幾無腹地與自然資源,但這個國家卻在獨立不到五十年內,建立量小質精的軍事力量,藉此嚇阻與對抗外來威脅;而且,新加坡軍隊已在進入二十一世紀時展開新一波軍事變革,建立「以知識為基礎之整合式指管」體系,打造採取網狀化總體作戰網路概念的「第三代新加坡軍隊」,其變革程度甚至遠超過許多其他國土更大,資源更豐之國家。\n 為了解新加坡這波軍事變革動力與起源,本文重新爬梳軍事變革之定義、類型與根源,進而討論東南亞當前安全環境,以及新加坡面臨的安全威脅,與其衍生的國防安全戰略;再透過整理新加坡現有軍力、未來建軍方向與作戰思維發展,進而分析新加坡軍事變革背後的動力。本文發現,新加坡軍事變革的方向與目標,不只受到傳統「戰略需求」影響,亦同時受到「科技發展」與「組織同形需求壓力」牽引,變革後產生之軍事實力變化,將回饋至區域安全環境中,並且導致國家戰略之再變化,進而引領新的軍事變革需求。
Summery\n  Singapore is a sovereign island city-state bordering the Straits of Malacca. Despite lacking natural resources and a hinterland, Singapore Armed Forces is the most technologically advanced in Southeast Asia. However, the Ministry of Defence, Singapore had started new wave of military transformation around 2000 to build "the 3rd Generation Singapore Armed Forces". The transformation pushes SAF`s troops making use of networks to sense faster, manoeuvring forces effectively, applying combat power precisely across the battlefield, and striking targets with a swifter and deadlier punch. This study reviews the international environment and the defense strategy of Singapore, and analyzes the strength and future development programs of SAF. It finds out the directions and goal s of Singapore`s military transformation had not only driven by its strategic needs but the advance of military technologies and organizational isomorphism needs.
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