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題名: 中華民國海軍執行艦船操作風險管控研究—以濟陽級軍艦為例
A Research of R.O.C. Navy Risk Management and Ship Operations - A Case Study of Chih-Yang Class Frigate
作者: 陳建宏
Chen, Chien-Hung
貢獻者: 蒲澤春
Chen, Chien-Hung
關鍵詞: 風險管控
Risk management
Ship operation
Training management
Equipment management
日期: 2022
上傳時間: 10-Feb-2022
摘要: 中華民國位於西太平洋第一島鏈中央,不僅是東南亞區域海運樞紐,戰略地位更為重要,另因天然資源仰賴進口,再加上臺灣四周海域面臨不同國家的多重問題,海洋事務成為我國生存與發展的關鍵議題。為確保國家未來穩定與安全,海軍需長時航行於航運複雜水域執行維權任務,隨著近年艦船任務時數的增加,加上平時不可預期的人為疏失與裝備異常,海軍爾後將面臨更多艦船操作安全的挑戰。\n近年國際間已有多起軍艦事故發生,甚至連訓練精良與裝備完善的美海軍都淪陷,不僅造成人員傷亡,裝備損壞更需耗時加以維修,故如何有效管控維持我海軍有效戰力至關重要。本研究首先蒐整並探討「風險管理」、「艦船風險管理」及「國軍風險管控」的發展與運用方向,釐清上述三項個別管控作為後,再透過焦點團體訪談法瞭解濟陽級艦於艦船操作風險管控上的執行現況,並整理出管控手段在人員訓練及裝備維保面向所面臨的問題,最後針對發現的問題導入「風險管理」及「艦船風險管理」理論予以分析,期能對人員及裝備維保管控作為有所提升,減少未來在航行與裝備故障上的事故。\n研究結果發現,自濟陽級艦至美接艦返國起,已同步將美海軍人員訓練與裝備維保制度引進,能有效降低事故並建立良好基礎,但隨著時代背景轉變以及歷年問題的積累,現行制度正面臨轉型的挑戰,不僅如此,我國因未重視職涯期間風險觀念教育,另加上人員更迭與退役,導致管控手段執行落實度也逐年下滑,組織成員無法凝聚共識來降低風險,且過往經驗也沒有彙整成資料庫,再加上濟陽級艦服役年限增長,裝備老舊及零、附件短缺問題逐漸浮現,維保管控更是不易。所以,要提升艦船操作管控成效,除了應建立其制度專管單位以利賡續精進外,還要完善風險管理教育培訓,並透由資料庫讓資訊透明化,簡化人員訓練與裝備維保流程以提高執行落實度,另外應建立國內裝備與零、附件產能,始能便捷爾後零、附件管理,讓裝備獲得最佳的維護。
The Republic of China is located in the center of the first island chain in the Western Pacific Ocean. Not only is it a maritime transportation hub in Southeast Asia, but the location of Taiwan is considered strategically advantageous. Taiwan relies on imported natural resources, and the surrounding waters face multiple countries that produce different problems. Because of this dependence and location to other countries, maritime affairs generate key issues for development and survival of the country. The necessity of the Navy to continue performing sovereignty protection tasks in complex shipping waters is paramount for Taiwan’s future stability, and security. With the increase of ship mission hours in recent years, coupled with the unpredictable human errors and equipment malfunctions, the Navy will face increasing operational safety challenges in the future.\nIn recent years, there have been many warship maritime incidents around the world, and even the well-trained and well-equipped US Navy has encountered several cases. Not only were there casualties, but also significant equipment damages that required time-consuming repairs and replacement. Thus, it proves the importance of effectively controlling and maintaining our navy’s effective combat readiness. This research first collects and discusses the development and application direction of "risk management, ship risk management ,and national military risk control.” After clarifying the above three individual control actions, the research uses focus group interviews to understand the implementation status of Chih-Yang class frigate operational risk management and control. Then, the problems faced by the management and control methods in personnel training and equipment maintenance are sorted, and finally the "risk management" and "ship risk management" theories are introduced to analyze the problems found. The maintenance and control of personnel and equipment have been improved to reduce future accidents in navigation and equipment failures.\nThe results of the study found that since the Chih-Yang class frigate returned from the United States to Taiwan, the US Navy personnel training and equipment maintenance system have been introduced simultaneously, which can effectively reduce accidents and establish a good foundation. However, as times change and problems begin to accumulate, the current system is facing the challenge of transformation. Furthermore, because our country neither pay too much attention to the risk concept education during the career period nor take personnel transfer and retirement into consideration, the implementation of the control measures has also been declining year by year. Organization members cannot reach consensus to reduce risks, and past experiences have not been consolidated. The database, coupled with the increase in the service life of Chih-Yang class frigate, has brought rise to the emerging problems of obsolete equipment and shortage of materials with the inability to maintain and control them. In order to improve the effectiveness of ship operation management and control, in addition to establishing the special management unit of its system to facilitate continuous improvement, it is absolutely necessary to improve risk management education and training, make information transparent through the database, and simplify personnel training and equipment maintenance procedures to improve the implementation level. Moreover, domestic equipment and material production capacity should be established, so that material and parts management can be facilitated and the equipment can be optimally maintained.
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資料類型: thesis
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