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題名: 新興影響精神物質對國家安全之影響與管制措施: 以我國海關查緝實務為例
The Impact of New Psychoactive Substances on National Security and Smuggling Prevention Strategies: Taking Customs Anti-smuggling Operation for Example
作者: 蔡易持
Tsai, I-Chih
貢獻者: 李世暉
Tsai, I-Chih
關鍵詞: 新興影響精神物質
New Psychoactive Substances
National security
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 10-二月-2022
摘要: 新興影響精神物質(New Psychoactive Substances, NPS,國內常稱之新興毒品)濫用所衍生的國家安全及社會問題十分嚴峻,特別是在全球化的潮流下,跨境走私犯罪的多元性與複雜性已使得緝毒工作日益困難,尤其是日漸增加的國際快遞貨物及郵包數量,嚴重挑戰我國海關邊境查緝效能。\n本文主要以國家安全、NPS於國際間及我國之氾濫現況作為基礎,再以「我國海關的查緝實務」為核心進行分析。本論文之研究方法分別從質性研究——「文獻分析法」與量化研究——「既有統計資料分析法」著手,並以國內外官方公開數據與相關統計資料作為文獻分析與次級資料蒐集之參考,如:關務署、法務部調查局、衛生福利部等政府部門的公開資料,與聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室發表的世界毒品報告等國外資料。\n本研究經探討NPS對國家安全之影響、管制措施、我國海關查緝NPS實務案例之後發現:NPS濫用問題嚴重影響國家安全且其發展隨著國際公約及各國管制措施持續變化,臺灣也因此祭出管制措施因應日益嚴重的NPS濫用與走私問題。近年來,我國海關查獲NPS案件數有增加趨勢,NPS緝獲總重量佔當年毒品緝獲總重量的比例較以往來得高,以單因子變異數分析可發現不同的走私方式、毒品來源地、毒品種類於海關緝獲NPS重量有顯著差異存在,再以Pearson相關分析檢定可能影響海關查獲NPS案件數的因素,包含NPS是否被納入《毒品危害防制條例》管制、海關關員人力、貨物進口報單數量,發現海關每年緝獲NPS案件數與三個因素之間皆呈現顯著正向相關。\n最後建議身為邊境守護者的海關,持續以教育訓練強化專業知能,同時擴大國際合作並加強跨部會溝通以防堵NPS,並盡速導入人工智慧以提升查緝效能,才能在維持通關便捷的情形下,捍衛國家安全,達成「截毒於關口」的目標。
The emerging problems of NPS abuse, which derive serious national security and social issues, are particularly serious in the globalization trend. The diversity and complexity of cross-border smuggling crimes have made anti-drug work increasingly difficult. In particular, the ever-increasing number of international express cargoes and postal parcels has severely challenged the efficiency of customs border inspections.\nThis article is mainly based on national security, the current situation of the spread of NPS internationally and in our country, and then analyzes the core of " Taiwan customs investigation practice." The research methods of this paper start with qualitative research" Document Analysis " and quantitative research" Existing Statistical Data Analysis ", and use official public data and related statistical data as literature analysis and secondary data references collected, such as: the public information of the Customs Administration, Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and foreign information such as the World Drug Report issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.\nAfter discussing the impact of NPS on national security, control measures, and customs investigations of NPS cases, this research found that:NPS continues to change with international conventions and national control measures, and globalization makes NPS more convenient to smuggle. Moreover, the number of NPS cases seized by Taiwan customs is also on the increase. In recent years, the total weight of NPS seizures accounted for a higher proportion of the total weight of drug seizures in the year than in the past. The Analysis of Variance can reveal that there are significant differences between the smuggling method, the source of the drug, the type of drug, and the weight of the NPS seized by the customs. And then Pearson`s correlation coefficient is used to determine the factors that may affect the number of NPS cases seized by the customs, including whether NPS is included in the " Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act ", the number of customs officers, and the number of import goods. It is found that there is a significant positive correlation between the number of seizures of NPS and the three factors.\nFinally, it is recommended that the customs continue to strengthen professional knowledge through education and training, expand international cooperation and strengthen inter-ministerial cooperation to prevent NPS, and introduce artificial intelligence as soon as possible to improve the efficiency of investigation.
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