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dc.contributor.advisorSellari, Thomas J.en_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Yan-Haoen_US
dc.creatorHuang, Yan-Haoen_US
dc.description.abstract安德烈・艾席蒙(André Aciman)的小說《以你的名字呼喚我》(Call Me by Your Name),近年因改編為同名影視作品而知名。由於故事本身更為彰顯同性浪漫取向,掩蓋了兩位男主角各自與異性發展的浪漫關係,進而使得他們雙性戀之性認同(sexual identity)被讀者忽略。現今關於非異性戀性認同的理解,主要仍以同性戀認同為主,因此大眾對於雙性戀者的認知,往往停留在他們的單性浪漫關係,即化約為異性戀的或同性戀的性取向,卻忽略人的浪漫關係與性取向不必然一致,如同主角艾里歐(Elio)所遭遇的。在本篇論文中,我首先點出雙性戀(bisexuality)作為多元性取向之一環,並提出一種辨識雙性戀認同(reading bisexually)的閱讀方式,重新解讀《以你的名字呼喚我》,企圖檢視該作品主角們對多於一種性別的可能浪漫傾向,賦予讀者全面的雙性戀認同觀點;其中,我以酷兒時間性(queer temporalities)的概念強調特定時空對於雙性戀者性認同形成過程中的重要性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMore often than not, research on bisexuality has been lumped into discussions of heterosexuality and homosexuality, with bisexual behaviors and identities being taken as lesbian or gay ones. Prior analyses of André Aciman’s Call Me by Your Name likewise focus on the gay relationship between the protagonists and thus bestow gay identities on them. Yet both characters also develop relationships with women, and their bisexuality is ignored. Such a perspective of reading characters’ sexualities as either heterosexual or homosexual is rather exclusive. I argue that a subject’s sexual identity and relationships do not necessarily align with each other. In this thesis, I first pinpoint the use of bisexuality as a sexual orientation and propose a strategy of reading bisexually, which examines characters’ possible sexualities when they experience attractions to people of more than one gender. I focus mainly on an analysis of Elio’s bisexuality, and use the concept of queer temporalities to emphasize that time and space play significant roles in the formation of bisexuality.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter One: Introduction 1\nDefining Bisexuality 2\nIntroduction to the Text 6\nLiterature Review 7\nThesis Structure 11\n\nChapter Two: A Bisexual Perspective 13\nA History of Bisexuality 14\nTheories of Bisexuality 20\nReading Bisexually 28\n\nChapter Three: Awakening Of Bisexuality 31\nElio`s Idiosyncrasy 33\nElio and Marzia 38\nElio and Oliver 40\nJewishness and Queerness 40\nSame-sex Desire 43\nConfession and Silence 46\nConclusion 50\n\nChapter Four: Exposure Of Bisexuality 51\nRevisiting Bisexuality 52\nBisexuality and Queer Temporalities 54\nReading Elio Bisexually 55\nReading Oliver Bisexually 60\nShared Queer Temporalities 62\nPersonal Queer Temporalities 64\nConclusion 66\n\nChapter Five: Conclusion 67\n\nWorks Cited 69zh_TW
dc.format.extent730003 bytes-
dc.subjectReading bisexuallyen_US
dc.subjectCall Me by Your Nameen_US
dc.subjectSexual identityen_US
dc.subjectQueer temporalitiesen_US
dc.title“Unless You Know It”: Reading Bisexually in André Aciman’s Call Me by Your Nameen_US
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