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題名: 從客戶滿意度調查擬定提升客戶關係策略與實務探討 -以M公司網路廣告客戶為例
Based on customer satisfaction to make a strategy on how to improve clients’ releationship A Case Study of M company Advertising and Online
作者: 彭恩慈
Peng, An Tzu
貢獻者: 洪叔民
Horng, Shwu-Min
Peng, An Tzu
關鍵詞: 客戶滿意度
Customer satisfaction
Sale and service satisfaction
Products satisfaction
Online display ad market
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 1-Mar-2022
摘要: 網路廣告市場是近十年來每年都以兩位數成長的媒體,在此產業中各家公司採行不同經營的模式來搶佔市場佔有率。M公司是此產業主要的一家媒體,從此個案中了解客戶滿意度調查流程的研擬、問卷設計,到針對客戶滿意度調查的結果產生策略與計畫因應。\n\n本研究敘述統計之方法,個案整理如下:\n1.業務服務滿意度(SSAT)與產品滿意度(PSAT)都是影響客戶滿意度(NSAT)的兩個重點之一。\n2.M公司使用全球化產品平台,以外商的產品架構不容易因為單一市場的需求有所修改,因此對於M公司業務團隊來說增加客戶滿意度只能著重於業務服務滿意度,對於產品滿意度的後續改進較無施力點。\n3.從問卷的設計與客戶的調查結果了解該公司目前在業務服務滿意度以及產品滿意度上面的各項情形,包過最滿意以及最不滿意的項目。\n4.針對客戶滿意度結果制定一些改進策略與執行方向,以符合客戶需要。\n5.從競爭者的滿意度調查了解市場競爭情勢,以及如何設定差異化服務增加客戶滿意度。
Online display advertising market has been grown at double-digit growth rates since year 2001 and all of this industry’s players use different business models to win the market share. Company M is one of this industry’s players and based on this case, customer satisfaction survey, we can learn how to process customer satisfaction, make a questionnaire and take an action plan or make a strategy after customer satisfaction results.\n\nThe case is based on descriptive statistics and highlights are as below\n1.Sales and Service Satisfaction and Product Satisfaction are two key factors to influence Customer Satisfaction. Company M use globalization platforms and it’s very difficult to escalate a product feature change due to a single market request. So that means the sales team at Company M only can focus on how to raise the satisfaction of Sales and Service rather than how to improve product satisfaction\n2. According to this questionnaire we can understand the analysis of Sales and Service satisfaction and Product satisfaction, including Very Satisfied and Very Dissatisfied.\n3.Based on this research result we can make an improvement plan and sales strategies to meet client’s expectations.\n4.From competitors’ satisfaction research we can understand market competition and how to make a differentiation service to increase customer satisfaction.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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