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dc.contributor.authorChen, Hsin-Yuen_US
dc.creatorChen, Hsin-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract\nThe postcolonial development of Singapore has attracted the attention of the world. Under the rule of Lee Kuan Yew and People’s Action Party (here after PAP), Singapore has become one of the most modernized country in Asia from a small nation that was forced to be independent from Malaya. Singaporean model of development is characterized by its combination of free economy and tight sociopolitical control, which poses challenge to the standard explanation of modernization theory: economic development will bring about political liberalization and democratization. Through analyzing the secondary data, this thesis aims to provide a contextual analysis of the political discourses that have been dominant in shaping the story of Singapore since its independence in 1965. The research question that this study is intended to answer is whether the ‘cultural turn’ from pragmatism to cultural particularism with Confucianism as its core is the continuity of Lee’s pragmatism or a genuine change. It is found in this study that apart from overall remarkable performance, ideology aiming to justify the leadership and authoritarian rule of the party- the ‘Singapore Story’- also contributes to the continuous rule of the PAP. The elements of the Story include survival crisis, pragmatism, cultural pluralism, meritocracy. Since the challenge to its legitimacy emerging in 1980s as the result of the changes in the domestic and external environments, political elites led by Lee turned to cultural particularism based on Confucianism and constructed the notion of ‘Asian Value,’ emphasizing the incompatibility of Western literal democracy in the context of Asian countries. Scholars such as Chua Beng Huat regard the cultural particularistic discourse of Asia Value as influenced by ‘communitarianism’. None the less, it is argued in this thesis that cultural particularism and ‘communitarianism’ proposed by Lee and the PAP is vastly different from the theory of communitarianism that emerges originally in the context of western liberal democratic societies, in terms of the purpose of proposing the theory, the context of its emergence and its practice.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 1\n第二節 研究動機 2\n第三節 研究目的與研究問題 5\n第四節 研究方法與研究途徑 7\n第五節 章節架構 11\n第二章 文獻回顧 14\n第一節 東亞與新加坡的文化特殊主義 14\n第二節 社群主義 25\n第三章 生存困境與實用主義 39\n第一節 新加坡獨立之前與李光耀的早年經歷 39\n第二節 新加坡的獨立與李光耀早年的意識形態 46\n第三節 新加坡的發展與新加坡故事的成型 52\n第四節 新加坡故事的元素 57\n第四章 東亞文化特殊主義與新加坡故事 66\n第一節 1980年代的新加坡 66\n第二節 新加坡故事的新篇章:以文化為基礎的特殊主義 75\n第五章 東亞的文化特殊主義是一種社群主義嗎? 91\n第一節 東亞的社群主義 91\n第二節 儒家的自我觀與社群 92\n第三節 不中立的國家與對社會的責任感 93\n第四節 新加坡的社群主義民主? 95\n第五節 社群主義的目標 97\n第六節 儒家社群主義與亞洲價值的差異:以五倫為例 102\n第六章 結論 104\n第一節 總結 104\n第二節 21世紀的新加坡故事 105\n參考文獻 108zh_TW
dc.format.extent2454214 bytes-
dc.subjectConfucian valuesen_US
dc.title新加坡故事: 實用主義、儒家思想與「社群主義」?zh_TW
dc.titleThe Singapore Story: Pragmatism, Confucianism and "Communitarianism"en_US
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