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題名: 士官督導長之領導生涯-僕人式領導的實踐
The leadership career of the sergeant superintendent - the practice of servant leadership
作者: 邱顯金
Chiou, Shean-Jin
貢獻者: 廖興中
Chiou, Shean-Jin
關鍵詞: 士官督導長
Non-commissioned officer superintendent
Servant leadership
National army leadership
日期: 2022
上傳時間: 1-Jul-2022
摘要: 本研究是以我切身的軍旅生涯為本,藉由自我民族誌的研究方法來剖析我個人在軍中的歷程及經驗。以自我為客家人的身分,進入到管教嚴謹、限制多重的國軍部隊,從軍中啟航到士官生涯角色的轉變,再到士官督導長對於領導的體會,進而轉換領導的方式,藉由自我軍旅生涯歷程的敘事中來反思領導方式的重要性。由於領導方式的好壞對於的部隊同仁的認同有深層的影響,而傳統威權領導風格經過時代的更迭與觀念的改變,漸漸使得領導者由指揮命令走向服務引導的風格,僕人式領導風格於是形成。\n本研究透過自我敘事,剖析作者自身僕人式領導風格形成的背景,因為看到許多士官同仁在領導部屬時無法與時俱進,調整自己不合時宜的領導方式,進而遭受懲處或淘汰。另外一方面也論述到自身僕人式領導的實踐經驗,藉由在指揮部士官督導長服務期間的經驗,透過部隊訪查關心,了解士官同仁們工作上的困頓、疑難與需要,進而主動協助同仁解決問題,為作者的弟兄姊妹服務。就如同耶穌對門徒所說:「你們當中誰想成為最偉大的領導人,必須先做你們的僕人(為最小的服務)」一般。更重頭詮釋領導權力的意義與效用,從「有權管制你」到「服侍你的需要」,詳細的分享僕人式管理個人經歷的精髓。
This research is based on my personal military career, and uses the research method of self-ethnography to analyze my personal history and experience in the military. Taking the identity of self as a Hakka, entering the national army with strict discipline and multiple restrictions, sailing from the army to changing the role of non-commissioned officer career, and then to the non-commissioned officer supervisor`s experience of leadership, and then changing the way of leadership. The importance of reflecting on leadership styles in the narrative of the military career journey. Because the quality of leadership has a profound impact on the identity of the army colleagues, and the traditional authoritarian leadership style has undergone the change of the times and the change of concept, the leader has gradually changed from the command to the service-oriented style, and the servant leadership style is then form.\nThrough self-narratives, this research analyzes the background of the author`s own servant leadership style, because many non-commissioned officers and colleagues cannot keep pace with the times when leading subordinates, adjust their inappropriate leadership styles, and are punished or eliminated. On the other hand, he also discusses his own practical experience of servant leadership. Through the experience during the service of the sergeant superintendent of the command, and through the troop visit and concern, he understands the difficulties, difficulties and needs of the sergeant colleagues in their work, and then takes the initiative to assist. Colleagues solve problems and serve the brothers and sisters of the author. As Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be the greatest leader among you must first be your servant (in the service of the least)." It focuses on explaining the meaning and effectiveness of leadership, from "power to control you" to "serving your needs", and shares the essence of personal experience of servant management in detail.
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