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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Pei-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Sung-Fengen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Sung-Fengen_US
dc.description.abstract  本研究旨在探討合作學習融入專題式學習課程,能否提升國小學生的核心素養能力。研究對象為研究者任教的臺北市某國小第32屆及第34屆的某班級高年級學生。研究者為該兩屆班級導師,透過專題式學習課程,參與公共電視台《小導演大夢想》工作坊影片製作,時間為兩屆的六年級第一學期,八月開始製作影片至十二月底交片。同時在隔年四月參與公共電視台臺灣國際兒童影展,分享影片成果以及欣賞來自各國的兒童影展作品。\n  本研究的目的在於透過合作學習融入專題式學習課程後,是否能提升十二年國民基本教育課程綱要提及之「核心素養」,分別是「自主行動」、「溝通互動」、「社會參與」三大面向能力。依照專題式學習內涵中,強調學習任務、統整學習、多元感官學習、以及多樣認知活動等策略來實施課程,輔以合作學習之優點,包含激發學習動機、改善學習態度、提升學習者自信、發展合作技巧與人際互動,以及建立同儕和諧關係,來逐一探討分析學生核心素養能力呈現之處。研究結果顯示,合作學習融入專題式課程確實能夠促使學生表現出核心素養的三大能力:\n  一、培養學生自主行動素養能力方面,透過合作學習可以激發學生學習的動機;透過專題式學習的學習任務與統整學習之效益,學生必須懂得主動思考問題,決定學習任務,進而主動尋求解決問題的方式。\n  二、培養學生溝通互動素養能力方面,透過發展合作技巧與人際互動,學生學習如何與人溝通,建立同儕和諧關係,促進學生溝通互動之能力;專題式學習的多元感官學習與多樣認知活動,也能促進學生溝通互動之機會,提升團隊向心力,達到同儕和諧關係。\n  三、培養學生社會參與素養能力方面,透過合作學習可以提升學習者自信,建立同儕和諧關係,同理他人感受,喜歡與人互動,且能在團隊中與人合作。教師可以引導學生關心社會議題,針對有興趣之社會議題設計跨領域統整專題式學習課程,完成學習任務的同時也能關心社會,培養共好之能力。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供後續實施專題式學習及研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to investigate whether the Integration of Cooperative Learning into Project-Based Learning on the Core Competencies of elementary school children. The subjects of the study were sixth grade students in the 32nd and 34th classes of elementary school in Taipei City. The researcher, a teacher in both classes, participated in the Taiwan PTS "Little Directors, Big Dreams" workshop through the Project Based Learning program to produce videos, starting in August and submitting them in December. In April of the following year, they participated in the Taiwan PTS International Children`s Film Festival, sharing the results of their films and another children`s films from all over the world.\nThe Core Competencies mentioned from the Ministry of Education`s Curriculum Guidelines of 12 Year Basic Education, These competences are divided into three broad dimensions, namely, spontaneity, communication and interaction, and social participation. According to the strategies of Project-Based Learning, which emphasize learning tasks, integrated learning, multi-sensory learning, and diverse cognitive activities, and the benefits of Cooperative Learning, including motivating learning, improving learning attitudes, enhancing learner confidence, developing cooperative skills and interpersonal interactions, and building harmonious relationships with peers, in order to explore and analyze the presentation of students` Core Competencies one by one. The results of the study showed that the integration of cooperative learning into Project-Based Learning did lead to students demonstrating the three Core Competencies:\n1. Cultivating students` ability to spontaneity can stimulate students` motivation to learn through cooperative learning; the learning tasks of Project-Based Learning and the help of integrated learning can make students know how to actively think about problems, decide on learning tasks, and further actively seek ways to solve problems. 2. The cooperative skills will help students learn how to communicate with others, build a harmonious relationship among students, and promote their communication and interaction skills. The project-based learning, with its multi-sensory learning and diverse cognitive activities, will also promote opportunities for students to communicate and interact, enhance team spirit, and achieve a harmonious relationship among students. 3. Teachers can guide students to care about social issues, design learning tasks for social issues they are interested in, and complete learning tasks while caring about society and developing social participation. Based on the results of the study, this study proposes relevant discussions and suggestions for the subsequent implementation of Project-Based Learning.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 2\n第二節 研究目的與問題 4\n第三節 名詞釋義 5\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 核心素養 7\n第二節 合作學習 11\n第三節 專題式學習 18\n第三章 研究設計 25\n第一節 研究概念與架構 25\n第二節 研究方法 28\n第三節 研究流程 33\n第四章 研究結果 35\n第一節 個案說明 35\n第二節 合作學習及其效益 42\n第三節 專題式學習及其效益 46\n第四節 核心素養 50\n第五節 小結 64\n第五章 結論與建議 69\n第一節 研究限制 69\n第二節 結論 70\n第三節 建議 72\n參考文獻 74zh_TW
dc.format.extent2665421 bytes-
dc.subjectthe Core competenciesen_US
dc.subjectProject-based learningen_US
dc.subjectCooperative learningen_US
dc.titleThe Influence of the Integration of Cooperative Learning into Project-Based Learning on the Core Competencies of Elementary School Childrenen_US
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