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題名: 數位閱讀對雙語國小學童英語閱讀動機、閱讀態度與閱讀頻率影響之研究
Investigating the Effect of E-reading on Bilingual Elementary School Students` Reading Motivation, Reading Attitude, and Reading Frequency of English Reading
作者: 徐秀慈
Hsu, Hsiu-Tzu
貢獻者: 李沛錞
Lee, Pei-Chun
Hsu, Hsiu-Tzu
關鍵詞: 數位閱讀
Reading attitude
Reading frequency
Reading motivation
日期: 2022
上傳時間: 1-Jul-2022
摘要: 本研究之目的為探討數位閱讀,對於雙語國小學童閱讀行為之影響,包含英語閱讀動機、閱讀態度與閱讀頻率。運用線上數位閱讀資源(本研究提供四個英語閱讀網站)以及行動載具(平板電腦),涵蓋53 位雙語國小三年級學童為參與者,於課堂中施行10 週的數位閱讀,並進行以英語閱讀動機、閱讀態度與閱讀頻率為主軸之前測及後測,以分析學童進行數位閱讀對英語閱讀行為之影響,並輔以深度訪談,了解學生進行數位閱讀之感受,以及相關影響因素,透過整合量化與質化之研究方法進行驗證與探討。\n本研究發現,數位閱讀活動能夠提升學童英語閱讀動機、閱讀態度、閱讀頻率,且學童對於數位閱讀活動大多抱持正面感想。根據本研究結論,研究者提出數位閱讀活動之實施建議與研究建議,以期提供未來的教學者與未來研究者作為參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of E-reading on bilingual elementary school children`s reading behaviors, including reading motivation, attitude\nand frequency. Online E-reading resources and mobile device were used, the total of 53 children participated. The pre- and post-test data was collected on reading motivation, reading attitude and reading frequency to determine the effectiveness of E-reading. Students were interviewed of reading motivation, reading attitude and reading frequency. The experiment is a further recommendation of how E-reading can be proceeded through the analysis of integrating quantitative and qualitative research results.\nThis study found that continuous E-reading can improve participants` English reading motivation, attitude and frequency. Based on the results of this research,researchers put forward specific implementation suggestions for E-reading activities to provide references for teachers and future researchers.
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