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dc.contributor.advisorLin, Tzu-Chinen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Lian-Yien_US
dc.creatorKuo, Lian-Yien_US
dc.description.abstractIn the urban land market, due to the convex relationship between plot size and land price, it is profitable to assemble land for development. However, the property rights factor in the supply side of the market will hinder urban land development. Landowners tend to hold out, and increase the difficulty of urban land assembly, thus resulting in the tragedy of anticommons and land not in the highest and the most efficient use. To overcome the problem, the government needs to intervene in the urban land market to correct the market failure. However, under the neoliberalism, the government gradually plays the role of encouraging and guiding the market, providing incentives to attract private sector to develop urban land. Therefore, the government encourages the private sector to participate in urban renewal through incentive zoning policies. Among them, the most directly land assembly related is the graduated density zoning, which encourages the private sector assemble land voluntarily. It is hoped that the development can therefore achieve economies of scale and reduce the action of hold out and the tragedy of anticommons.\nAt first, the study uses cadastral data and building license data to verify whether Taipei City is facing the dilemma of property rights. Cadastral data provides the information of size, landowners and ownership share of each plot in Taipei City. Building license data provides the information of size of each land development. Comparing the two sets of data, reveals that within the administrative districts with more complex property rights, the average development size tends to be smaller. In addition, within the administrative districts with relatively simple property rights, the average development size tends to be larger. There seems to be a relevance between property rights and land development.\nFurthermore, the study uses quantitative methods to analyze the approvals of urban renewal which are located in Grade 3 residential zone in 12 administrative districts in Taipei City from 2006 to 2021. Multiple linear regression analysis is used to demonstrate that the complexity of land ownership and the graduated density zoning can influence the development scale of urban renewal. The empirical results show that the complex land ownership reduces the development scale significantly. As the extent of the land ownership becomes more complex, the development scale becomes smaller. The graduated density zoning increases the development scale significantly. As the floor bonus increases, the development scale becomes larger. The empirical findings as a whole clearly suggest that the land market in Taipei City is facing the dilemma of complex property rights in land, which makes it assemble and develop land difficult. On the other hand, the graduated density zoning reduces the difficulty of land assembly.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究架構與流程 6\n第二章 文獻回顧 9\n第一節 都市土地整合之困境 9\n第二節 都市更新規模容積獎勵機制 13\n第三節 影響都市重開發基地規模之因素 18\n第四節 衡量產權複雜度之指標 24\n第三章 臺北市都市土地開發之探討 27\n第一節 臺北市土地產權型態與開發特徵 27\n第二節 臺北市都市土地開發的現況 40\n第三節 臺北市都市更新政策之執行 43\n第四章 實證方法與資料處理 51\n第一節 研究設計 51\n第二節 研究操作 56\n第五章 臺北市都市更新基地規模決定因素之實證 67\n第一節 敘述統計 67\n第二節 迴歸分析 74\n第六章 結論與建議 79\n第一節 結論 79\n第二節 政策與後續研究建議 82\n參考文獻 85zh_TW
dc.format.extent4301473 bytes-
dc.subjectGraduated density zoningen_US
dc.subjectLand assemblyen_US
dc.subjectTragedy of the anticommonsen_US
dc.subjectUrban renewalen_US
dc.titleThe Analysis of The Dilemma of Property Rights and The Graduated Density Zoning of Urban Renewal in Taipei Cityen_US
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