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dc.contributor.advisorCheng, Chih-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Meng-Linen_US
dc.creatorChen, Meng-Linen_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to the regulations of our country’s armed forces, there is an active duty service limit for each career officer’s rank. Thus, the end of active service is something each and every career officer will inevitably face either prior or upon reaching the end of their service limit. Regardless of whether or not they choose to enjoy full-time retirement, re-enter the job market or continue employment within the military; this is a decision that career officers will need to make and prepare for in advance. It is an issue regarding each career officer’s personal career development plan and must therefore not be taken lightly. Furthermore, the military itself will be affected regardless of whether or not officers choose to re-enlist or end their military service.\nOfficers are often referred to as “rotating officers,” since they are required to rotate through a number of duties due to service requirements. Consequently, the training and educational process may differ for each of their duties and may benefit career officers in planning out their career development plans. This study hopes to explore the factors affecting career development and planning and investigate whether or not military personnel are affected in any way. Lastly, by taking into account the current discharge situation for career officers, we shall further discuss the factors affecting career development and planning. What were the major reasons or considerations affecting career officers in their decision to re-enlist or end their military service? In addition, are there any methods or suggestions that could improve the situation?\nMilitary service is undeniably difficult. Many talented personnel have often been forced to leave after reaching their service limit due to a lack of adequate personnel management; facing discharge despite so much dedication and sacrifice throughout the years. This study hopes to shed some light on how countless military personnel and those in other occupations have been thrust into a dilemma, where they have no choice but to make their own career development plans in advance.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與目的 1\n第二節 研究方法 3\n第三節 研究範圍與限制 3\n第四節 研究流程與章節安排 5\n第二章 職涯規劃與發展有關文獻 7\n第一節 職涯規劃與發展有關理論 7\n第二節 影響職涯發展與規劃的因素 13\n第三節 影響軍人職涯發展的因素 17\n第四節 小結 21\n第三章 志願役軍官職涯發展的探討 23\n第一節 志願役軍官離退概況 23\n第二節 影響志願役軍官離退的因素 26\n第三節 志願役軍官留任誘因 30\n第四節 小結 32\n第四章 調查發現與分析 35\n第一節 問卷設計與調查對象 35\n第二節 調查對象分析 37\n第三節 敘述性分析 44\n第四節 交叉分析 63\n第五節 小結 106\n第五章 結論與建議 111\n第一節 結論 111\n第二節 建議 117\n參考文獻 120\n附錄一 研究問卷 125zh_TW
dc.format.extent4885834 bytes-
dc.titleA Study on the Career Development and Planning of Volunteer Military Officers in Taiwanen_US
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