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題名: 學校知識管理、學校效能與學校創新經營相關研究之後設分析
A Study of the School Knowledge Management, School Effectiveness and School Innovation Management: Meta-Analysis
作者: 林彥輝
Lin, Yen-Hui
貢獻者: 秦夢群
關鍵詞: 學校知識管理
School Knowledge Management
School Effectiveness
School Innovation Management
日期: 2022
上傳時間: 1-Aug-2022
摘要: 本研運用後設分析,探索公立國民中小學學校知識管理、學校創新經營與學校效能相關文獻之相關性。依本研究目的設定符合本研究之相關文獻搜尋國內外相關期刊及碩博士論文,再依文獻篩選相關係數後設分析中擇定31篇文獻,在性別平均數標準差後設分析中擇定21篇文獻進行分析,在相關係數後設分析中以研究對象為國小及國中為變項進行次群體分析,及以年代為變項進行後設迴歸分析,研究結果如下:\n一、學校知識管理整體、學校效能整體及學校創新經營整體性別平均數與標準差比較男性感知高於女性,平均效果值為低效果量。\n二、學校知識管理與學校效能變項具有顯著關聯性,最高效果量為.7079,各層面均存在高度異質性。\n三、學校知識管理與學校創新經營變項具有顯著關聯性,最高效果量為.5941,部分層面為異質性。\n四、學校效能與學校創新經營變項具有顯著關聯性,最高效果量為.8275,各層面均存在高度異質性。\n五、次群組分析結果國小組與國中組間有差異。\n六、年代變項後設迴歸分析結果為為逐年減少效果值。\n最後,依據上述之於研究結果進一步進行討論,並提出實務工作及未來研究上的具體建議。
This research uses meta-analysis to explore the correlation of literature on knowledge management, school innovation management and school effectiveness in public primary and secondary schools. 31 literatures were analyzed according to the correlation coefficient of literature screening, and 21 literatures were analyzed after the gender mean standard deviation. The results of the study are as follows:\n1.The comparison results of the gender mean and standard deviation of the overall school knowledge management, the overall school effectiveness and the overall school innovation management are that male perception is higher than that of females, and the average effect value is low.\n2.There is a significant correlation between school knowledge management and school efficacy variables, the highest effect size is .7079, and there is a high degree of heterogeneity at all levels.\n3.There is a significant correlation between school knowledge management and school innovation management variables, the highest effect size is .5941, and some levels are heterogeneous.\n4.There is a significant correlation between school effectiveness and school innovation management variables, the highest effect size is .8275, and there is high heterogeneity at all levels.\n5.There are differences in the subgroup analysis results between the elementary school group and the secondary school group.\n6.The meta-regression analysis result of the chronological variable is that the effect value is reduced year by year.\nFinally, further discussions will be conducted based on the above-mentioned research results, and practical and research recommendations will be put forward for reference.
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